HackingHistory / hh-wordpress-env

An environment for devlopingwordpress themes on your laptop
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This set of scripts will set up a Wordpress development environment that will work on any major desktop platform (Mac, Windows, Linux). It is designed around the needs of students in [[https://hackinghistory.ca][Hacking History]], a 4th year undergraduate seminar at the Unviersity of Toronto, and based on the work of of [[https://github.com/visiblevc/wordpress-starter][visiblevc]], from which both the wordpress docker image and the wordpress run script are derived.

The first few sections of this README are written for students in this class. If you're interested in technical details, see [[#technical-introduction][Technical Introduction]], below

** How it works

We use [[https://docs.docker.com/][Docker]] and [[http://wp-cli.org/][the Wordpress Command Line Interface]] to construct a "virtual environment" on your laptop. Wordpress and all the other services it depends on (including a webserver and a database server) will run in "containers" which can be accessed through the command line. You can also browse the local Wordpress site by pointing your browser at [[http://localhost:8080][localhost:8080]], and you can edit the theme files in Atom. Any changes you make will be visible in the browser window on refresh. ** Installation

** Usage

** Technical Introduction ~docker-compose.yml~ defines 4 containers:

** Acknowledgments

** To do