Hades-Souls / FantasySouls

An opensource 2d role playign game
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Some question... #1

Open huyle-anh opened 1 month ago

huyle-anh commented 1 month ago
  1. What does the meaning of files ending in the following suffix in your project mean?
  1. How can all the team members review and comment on your code before it gets pushed to the main branch?
Hades-Souls commented 1 month ago

File Suffix Meanings .unity: This file represents a Unity scene. It contains all the objects, lighting, terrain, and other settings that make up a particular scene in your game or application. Usage: Opening this file in Unity loads the scene so you can edit or play it. .meta: Unity uses meta files to store metadata about other assets. Each asset in Unity has an associated .meta file that stores information such as the asset's unique identifier and import settings. These files are necessary for Unity to keep track of assets properly, especially in version control systems. .asset: These files represent various types of data used in Unity that aren't covered by other specific file types. This can include custom assets created within the Unity Editor. Usage: Custom scripts, settings, or other asset types are stored in these files. .playable: Playable files are used for Unity’s Playable API, which allows for the creation of complex animation sequences and timelines. Usage: These are used in conjunction with the Timeline feature to create cinematic sequences or complex animations. .anim: Animation files store animation data for objects. These are used to animate properties of objects over time. Usage: You can create and edit these animations within Unity’s Animation window. .physicmaterial: These files define physical properties for objects, like friction and bounciness, which are used by Unity’s physics engine. Applied to colliders to define how they interact with other physical objects. .fbx: FBX (Filmbox) files are used to store 3D models and their associated data, such as geometry, textures, and animations. Usage: These files are commonly exported from 3D modeling software like Maya or Blender and imported into Unity for use in your scenes. .tif:

TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) files are high-quality image files that can store detailed images with multiple layers. Usage: Often used for textures or other graphical assets within Unity due to their high fidelity. .prefab: Prefab files store pre-configured GameObjects and their components. Prefabs can be instantiated and reused across multiple scenes. Usage: Prefabs allow you to create complex GameObjects once and then use them repeatedly throughout your project.

Hades-Souls commented 1 month ago

1.Use a version control system like Git 2.Use the main or master branch as the stable branch containing the release-ready code. 3.Create separate branches for each feature or bug fix (e.g., feature/New-feature, bugfix/issue-123 4.Team members should work on their own branches and push changes to the remote git repository. 5.When a feature or bug fix is complete, create a Pull Request to merge the changes into the main branch. 6.review: team members review the Pull Request, provide feedback, and discuss changes directly on GitHub. Reviewers can leave inline comments on specific lines of code within the Pull Request. ////////// this is how to Leave a Comment on a Pull Request in GitHub Navigate to the Pull Request: Go to your GitHub repository. Click on the "Pull requests" tab. Select the PR you want to review. Review the Changes: In the PR page, you will see a "Files changed" tab. Click on it to see the list of files that were modified in this PR. Browse through the changes. You can click on individual files to see the specific changes. Add Inline Comments: To add an inline comment, hover over the line of code you want to comment on. You should see a blue plus sign (+) appear to the left of the line number. Click on the blue plus sign to open a text box where you can type your comment. After typing your comment, click the "Start a review" button. If you've already started a review, you'll see a "Add to review" button instead. Submit Your Review: Once you’ve added all your inline comments, you need to submit the review. At the top-right of the "Files changed" page, you will see a "Review changes" button. Click on it. You’ll see a dialog box with options to "Comment," "Approve," or "Request changes." Comment: If you just want to leave comments without approving or requesting changes. Approve: If you want to approve the changes. Request changes: If you think changes are necessary before the PR can be merged. Write a summary comment if you want, then click the corresponding button (e.g., "Submit review").

huyle-anh commented 1 month ago

File Suffix Meanings .unity: This file represents a Unity scene. It contains all the objects, lighting, terrain, and other settings that make up a particular scene in your game or application. Usage: Opening this file in Unity loads the scene so you can edit or play it. .meta: Unity uses meta files to store metadata about other assets.

So, how the C# processing is connected to the Utility's API? Would you be able to provide examples of certain methods?

1.Use a version control system like Git 2.Use the main or master branch as the stable branch containing the release-ready code. 3.Create separate branches for each feature or bug fix (e.g., feature/New-feature, bugfix/issue-123 4.Team members should work on their own branches and push changes to the remote git repository. 5.When a feature or bug fix is complete, create a Pull Request to merge the changes into the main branch. 6.review: team members review the Pull Request, provide feedback, and discuss changes directly on GitHub.

I need you to practice with a fork at this repository, everything you say is just theory. Let's create a merge request, which I can review.