HaikuArchives / PhotoGrabber

PhotoGrabber is an application that downloads/deletes pictures from USB digital cameras
2 stars 10 forks source link

PhotoGrabber crashing on launch #24

Closed Vidrep closed 4 years ago

Vidrep commented 4 years ago

hrev53636 x86_64

`Debug information for team /boot/system/apps/PhotoGrabber/PhotoGrabber (5287): CPU(s): 8x Intel Core™ i7-3770 Memory: 15.88 GiB total, 835.84 MiB used Haiku revision: hrev53636 Dec 15 2019 08:06:59 (x86_64)

Active Threads: thread 5287: PhotoGrabber (main) thread 5291: w>PhotoGrabber thread 5293: team 5287 debug task thread 5292: cameralooper state: Exception (Segment violation)

    Frame       IP          Function Name
    00000000    00000000    ? 
        Unable to retrieve disassembly for IP 0: address not contained in any valid image.
    0x7fb2d21e4560  0x1a8e2d6d895   CamInterface::getDevType() + 0x15 
    0x7fb2d21e4640  0x1a8e2d720ff   Camera::MessageReceived(BMessage*) + 0x43f 
    0x7fb2d21e4690  0x44722548d6    BLooper::task_looper() + 0x266 
    0x7fb2d21e46b0  0x4472252ffb    BLooper::_task0_(void*) + 0x1b 
    0x7fb2d21e46d0  0x1f543c032f7   thread_entry + 0x17 
    00000000    0x7ffaa7390260  commpage_thread_exit + 0 

          rip:  0x0000000000000000
          rsp:  0x00007fb2d21e4538
          rbp:  0x00007fb2d21e4550
          rax:  0x000000edf4904aa0
          rbx:  0x000000edf4951120
          rcx:  0x000000edf494b320
          rdx:  0x000000edf494b320
          rsi:  0x000000edf4951120
          rdi:  0x00007fb2d21e454c
           r8:  0x7fffffffffffffff
           r9:  0x0000000000000007
          r10:  0x0000000000000000
          r11:  0x0000000000003246
          r12:  0x000000edf4951120
          r13:  0x0000000000000000
          r14:  0x00007fb2d21e4648
          r15:  0x00007fb2d21e4644
           cs:  0x002b
           ds:  0x0000
           es:  0x0000
           fs:  0x0000
           gs:  0x0000
           ss:  0x0023
          st0:  nan
          st1:  nan
          st2:  nan
          st3:  0
          st4:  nan
          st5:  1.53e+08
          st6:  4.24e+04
          st7:  9.99e+07
          mm0:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
          mm1:  {0x100, 0, 0, 0}
          mm2:  {0x4, 0, 0, 0}
          mm3:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
          mm4:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
          mm5:  {0, 0x3000, 0x3af8, 0x918d}
          mm6:  {0, 0, 0, 0xa577}
          mm7:  {0x90e7, 0x609a, 0xe8bc, 0xbe8c}
         xmm0:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm1:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm2:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm3:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm4:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm5:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm6:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm7:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm8:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm9:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
        xmm10:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
        xmm11:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
        xmm12:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
        xmm13:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
        xmm14:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
        xmm15:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}

Loaded Images: ID Text Base Text End Data Base Data End Type Name

43901   0x3fb6ee9000    0x3fb6f21000    0x3fb7121000    0x3fb7122000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libjpeg.so.9.3.0
43886   0x4187bf4000    0x4187c00000    0x4187dff000    0x4187e01000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libicuio.so.57.1
43880   0x44720fb000    0x447240f000    0x447260e000    0x447263c000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libbe.so
43913   0x4b31a3d000    0x4b31a54000    0x4b31c54000    0x4b31c56000    add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/JPEGTranslator
43899   0x525b109000    0x525b117000    0x525b317000    0x525b318000    add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/TIFFTranslator
43887   0x61b22e6000    0x61b233b000    0x61b253b000    0x61b253e000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libicule.so.57.1
43923   0x7cf7fb1000    0x7cf7fb4000    0x7cf81b3000    0x7cf81b4000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libIexMath-2_2.so.23.0.0
43914   0x7d354d7000    0x7d354e4000    0x7d356e4000    0x7d356e5000    add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/ICNSTranslator
43919   0x9dae50f000    0x9dae525000    0x9dae724000    0x9dae726000    add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/GIFTranslator
43896   0xa04b96a000    0xa04b97c000    0xa04bb7b000    0xa04bb7d000    add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/WonderBrushTranslator
43925   0xaac27e3000    0xaac27f5000    0xaac29f4000    0xaac29f5000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libImath-2_2.so.23.0.0
43915   0xaf1ab77000    0xaf1ab86000    0xaf1ad85000    0xaf1ad86000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libicns.so.1.2.0
43910   0xb5e2b6d000    0xb5e2b79000    0xb5e2d79000    0xb5e2d7a000    add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/PCXTranslator
43908   0xbaa10af000    0xbaa10be000    0xbaa12be000    0xbaa12bf000    add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/PNGTranslator
43920   0xdbfcd3a000    0xdbfcd47000    0xdbfcf47000    0xdbfcf48000    add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/EXRTranslator
43907   0xdc4e294000    0xdc4e2a0000    0xdc4e4a0000    0xdc4e4a2000    add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/PPMTranslator
43929   0xe80b1d4000    0xe80b1e1000    0xe80b3e1000    0xe80b3e2000    add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/STXTTranslator
43928   0xe8807c3000    0xe8807d1000    0xe8809d1000    0xe8809d2000    add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/BMPTranslator
43903   0xeaebb02000    0xeaebb12000    0xeaebd11000    0xeaebd12000    add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/SGITranslator
43912   0x103c203f000   0x103c20a8000   0x103c22a7000   0x103c22b2000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libjasper.so.4.0.0
43909   0x104ede6d000   0x104ede9e000   0x104ee09d000   0x104ee09e000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libpng16.so.16.37.0
43897   0x104f7091000   0x104f709f000   0x104f729f000   0x104f72a0000   add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/WebPTranslator
43921   0x1060fdd1000   0x1060fe13000   0x10610012000   0x10610013000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libHalf.so.23.0.0
43890   0x10d98d68000   0x10d98f00000   0x10d990ff000   0x10d99114000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libicuuc.so.57.1
43911   0x12433f4d000   0x12433f61000   0x12434161000   0x12434163000   add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/JPEG2000Translator
43902   0x1252add6000   0x1252ade6000   0x1252afe6000   0x1252afe7000   add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/TGATranslator
43885   0x1266fe5f000   0x126700dc000   0x126702db000   0x126702f0000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libicui18n.so.57.1
43879   0x12a6c545000   0x12a6c6a7000   0x12a6c8a7000   0x12a6c8bb000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libstdc++.so.6.0.25
43927   0x136e9197000   0x136e91b8000   0x136e93b7000   0x136e93b9000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libIlmImfUtil-2_2.so.23.0.0
43924   0x13943970000   0x13943976000   0x13943b75000   0x13943b76000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libIlmThread-2_2.so.23.0.0
43906   0x1620c513000   0x1620c525000   0x1620c724000   0x1620c726000   add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/PSDTranslator
43917   0x1717a164000   0x1717a172000   0x1717a372000   0x1717a373000   add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/ICOTranslator
43918   0x1756f8ed000   0x1756f8f9000   0x1756faf9000   0x1756fafa000   add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/HVIFTranslator
43898   0x175efede000   0x175eff46000   0x175f0145000   0x175f0148000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libwebp.so.7.0.5
43900   0x17f8f7d5000   0x17f8f847000   0x17f8fa47000   0x17f8fa4b000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libtiff.so.5.5.0
43893   0x1805068e000   0x18050789000   0x18050988000   0x1805098b000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libtextencoding.so
43891   0x18ff0843000   0x18ff085f000   0x18ff0a5e000   0x18ff0a5f000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libz.so.1.2.11
43881   0x192d89fb000   0x192d8a10000   0x192d8c0f000   0x192d8c11000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libtranslation.so
43884   0x198d8ce9000   0x198da567000   0x198da766000   0x198da767000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libicudata.so.57.1
43878   0x1a8e2d5a000   0x1a8e2d7f000   0x1a8e2f7e000   0x1a8e2f81000   app     /boot/system/apps/PhotoGrabber/PhotoGrabber
43889   0x1b0bb402000   0x1b0bb431000   0x1b0bb631000   0x1b0bb665000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libicutu.so.57.1
43877   0x1b36acc2000   0x1b36ace3000   0x1b36aee2000   0x1b36aee4000   lib     /boot/system/runtime_loader
43904   0x1dfb6b2f000   0x1dfb6b41000   0x1dfb6d40000   0x1dfb6d42000   add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/RTFTranslator
43926   0x1e28a24a000   0x1e28a414000   0x1e28a614000   0x1e28a71a000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libIlmImf-2_2.so.23.0.0
43892   0x1e2d2faf000   0x1e2d3078000   0x1e2d3277000   0x1e2d3278000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libzstd.so.1.4.4
43905   0x1e681d6a000   0x1e681d86000   0x1e681f85000   0x1e681f88000   add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/RAWTranslator
43888   0x1e6d27e0000   0x1e6d27eb000   0x1e6d29eb000   0x1e6d29ec000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libiculx.so.57.1
43883   0x1f543bc2000   0x1f543d20000   0x1f543f1f000   0x1f543f72000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libroot.so
43882   0x1f7068c3000   0x1f7068d9000   0x1f706ad8000   0x1f706ad9000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libgcc_s.so.1
43922   0x221e8617000   0x221e862c000   0x221e882b000   0x221e882e000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libIex-2_2.so.23.0.0
43916   0x23280fed000   0x2328105f000   0x2328125e000   0x23281260000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libopenjp2.so.2.3.1
43876   0x7ffaa7390000  0x7ffaa7398000  0x00000000  0x00000000  system  commpage

Areas: ID Base End Size (KiB) Protection Locking Name

142574  0x5c0a9000  0x5c0c1000          96  rw-         full            rld heap
142584  0x60000000  0x60001000           4  rw-S, u:(0x100) full            server_memory
142586  0x68000000  0x68020000         128  rw-S, u:(0x100) full            server_memory
142573  0xfdc04000  0xfdc1c000          96  rw-         full            rld heap
142572  0x1e9d31000 0x1e9d41000         64  rw-         full            rld heap
142571  0x22c9b7000 0x22c9c7000         64  rw-         full            rld heap
142570  0x28aaca000 0x28aad2000         32  rw-         full            rld heap
142534  0xe955d5000 0xe955d6000          4  rw-S, u:(0x100) full            _rld_debug_
142600  0x3fb6ee9000    0x3fb6f21000           224  r-x         full            libjpeg.so.9.3.0_seg0ro
142601  0x3fb7121000    0x3fb7122000             4  rw-         full            libjpeg.so.9.3.0_seg1rw
142553  0x4187bf4000    0x4187c00000            48  r-x         full            libicuio.so.57.1_seg0ro
142554  0x4187dff000    0x4187e01000             8  rw-         full            libicuio.so.57.1_seg1rw
142540  0x44720fb000    0x447240f000          3152  r-x         full            libbe.so_seg0ro
142541  0x447260e000    0x447263c000           184  rw-         full            libbe.so_seg1rw
142625  0x4b31a3d000    0x4b31a54000            92  r-x         full            JPEGTranslator_seg0ro
142626  0x4b31c54000    0x4b31c56000             8  rw-         full            JPEGTranslator_seg1rw
142596  0x525b109000    0x525b117000            56  r-x         full            TIFFTranslator_seg0ro
142597  0x525b317000    0x525b318000             4  rw-         full            TIFFTranslator_seg1rw
142555  0x61b22e6000    0x61b233b000           340  r-x         full            libicule.so.57.1_seg0ro
142556  0x61b253b000    0x61b253e000            12  rw-         full            libicule.so.57.1_seg1rw
142533  0x68e2043000    0x68e2053000            64  rw-         full            rld heap
142645  0x7cf7fb1000    0x7cf7fb4000            12  r-x         full            libIexMath-2_2.so.23.0.0_seg0ro
142646  0x7cf81b3000    0x7cf81b4000             4  rw-         full            libIexMath-2_2.so.23.0.0_seg1rw
142627  0x7d354d7000    0x7d354e4000            52  r-x         full            ICNSTranslator_seg0ro
142628  0x7d356e4000    0x7d356e5000             4  rw-         full            ICNSTranslator_seg1rw
142637  0x9dae50f000    0x9dae525000            88  r-x         full            GIFTranslator_seg0ro
142638  0x9dae724000    0x9dae726000             8  rw-         full            GIFTranslator_seg1rw
142589  0xa04b96a000    0xa04b97c000            72  r-x         full            WonderBrushTranslator_seg0ro
142590  0xa04bb7b000    0xa04bb7d000             8  rw-         full            WonderBrushTranslator_seg1rw
142649  0xaac27e3000    0xaac27f5000            72  r-x         full            libImath-2_2.so.23.0.0_seg0ro
142650  0xaac29f4000    0xaac29f5000             4  rw-         full            libImath-2_2.so.23.0.0_seg1rw
142629  0xaf1ab77000    0xaf1ab86000            60  r-x         full            libicns.so.1.2.0_seg0ro
142630  0xaf1ad85000    0xaf1ad86000             4  rw-         full            libicns.so.1.2.0_seg1rw
142618  0xb5e2b6d000    0xb5e2b79000            48  r-x         full            PCXTranslator_seg0ro
142619  0xb5e2d79000    0xb5e2d7a000             4  rw-         full            PCXTranslator_seg1rw
142614  0xbaa10af000    0xbaa10be000            60  r-x         full            PNGTranslator_seg0ro
142615  0xbaa12be000    0xbaa12bf000             4  rw-         full            PNGTranslator_seg1rw
142639  0xdbfcd3a000    0xdbfcd47000            52  r-x         full            EXRTranslator_seg0ro
142640  0xdbfcf47000    0xdbfcf48000             4  rw-         full            EXRTranslator_seg1rw
142612  0xdc4e294000    0xdc4e2a0000            48  r-x         full            PPMTranslator_seg0ro
142613  0xdc4e4a0000    0xdc4e4a2000             8  rw-         full            PPMTranslator_seg1rw
142658  0xe80b1d4000    0xe80b1e1000            52  r-x         full            STXTTranslator_seg0ro
142659  0xe80b3e1000    0xe80b3e2000             4  rw-         full            STXTTranslator_seg1rw
142656  0xe8807c3000    0xe8807d1000            56  r-x         full            BMPTranslator_seg0ro
142657  0xe8809d1000    0xe8809d2000             4  rw-         full            BMPTranslator_seg1rw
142604  0xeaebb02000    0xeaebb12000            64  r-x         full            SGITranslator_seg0ro
142605  0xeaebd11000    0xeaebd12000             4  rw-         full            SGITranslator_seg1rw
142575  0xedf48ca000    0xedf4aba000          1984  rw-, u:(0x100)  full            heap
142622  0x103c203f000   0x103c20a8000          420  r-x         full            libjasper.so.4.0.0_seg0ro
142623  0x103c22a7000   0x103c22ab000           16  rw-         full            libjasper.so.4.0.0_seg1rw
142624  0x103c22ab000   0x103c22b2000           28  rw-         full            libjasper.so.4.0.0_seg2rw
142616  0x104ede6d000   0x104ede9e000          196  r-x         full            libpng16.so.16.37.0_seg0ro
142617  0x104ee09d000   0x104ee09e000            4  rw-         full            libpng16.so.16.37.0_seg1rw
142591  0x104f7091000   0x104f709f000           56  r-x         full            WebPTranslator_seg0ro
142592  0x104f729f000   0x104f72a0000            4  rw-         full            WebPTranslator_seg1rw
142641  0x1060fdd1000   0x1060fe13000          264  r-x         full            libHalf.so.23.0.0_seg0ro
142642  0x10610012000   0x10610013000            4  rw-         full            libHalf.so.23.0.0_seg1rw
142562  0x10d98d68000   0x10d98f00000         1632  r-x         full            libicuuc.so.57.1_seg0ro
142563  0x10d990ff000   0x10d99114000           84  rw-         full            libicuuc.so.57.1_seg1rw
142620  0x12433f4d000   0x12433f61000           80  r-x         full            JPEG2000Translator_seg0ro
142621  0x12434161000   0x12434163000            8  rw-         full            JPEG2000Translator_seg1rw
142602  0x1252add6000   0x1252ade6000           64  r-x         full            TGATranslator_seg0ro
142603  0x1252afe6000   0x1252afe7000            4  rw-         full            TGATranslator_seg1rw
142551  0x1266fe5f000   0x126700dc000         2548  r-x         full            libicui18n.so.57.1_seg0ro
142552  0x126702db000   0x126702f0000           84  rw-         full            libicui18n.so.57.1_seg1rw
142537  0x12a6c545000   0x12a6c6a7000         1416  r-x         full            libstdc++.so.6.0.25_seg0ro
142538  0x12a6c8a7000   0x12a6c8b3000           48  rw-         full            libstdc++.so.6.0.25_seg1rw
142539  0x12a6c8b3000   0x12a6c8bb000           32  rw-         full            libstdc++.so.6.0.25_seg2rw
142654  0x136e9197000   0x136e91b8000          132  r-x         full            libIlmImfUtil-2_2.so.23.0.0_seg
142655  0x136e93b7000   0x136e93b9000            8  rw-         full            libIlmImfUtil-2_2.so.23.0.0_seg
142647  0x13943970000   0x13943976000           24  r-x         full            libIlmThread-2_2.so.23.0.0_seg0
142648  0x13943b75000   0x13943b76000            4  rw-         full            libIlmThread-2_2.so.23.0.0_seg1
142610  0x1620c513000   0x1620c525000           72  r-x         full            PSDTranslator_seg0ro
142611  0x1620c724000   0x1620c726000            8  rw-         full            PSDTranslator_seg1rw
142633  0x1717a164000   0x1717a172000           56  r-x         full            ICOTranslator_seg0ro
142634  0x1717a372000   0x1717a373000            4  rw-         full            ICOTranslator_seg1rw
142635  0x1756f8ed000   0x1756f8f9000           48  r-x         full            HVIFTranslator_seg0ro
142636  0x1756faf9000   0x1756fafa000            4  rw-         full            HVIFTranslator_seg1rw
142593  0x175efede000   0x175eff46000          416  r-x         full            libwebp.so.7.0.5_seg0ro
142594  0x175f0145000   0x175f0146000            4  rw-         full            libwebp.so.7.0.5_seg1rw
142595  0x175f0146000   0x175f0148000            8  rw-         full            libwebp.so.7.0.5_seg2rw
142598  0x17f8f7d5000   0x17f8f847000          456  r-x         full            libtiff.so.5.5.0_seg0ro
142599  0x17f8fa47000   0x17f8fa4b000           16  rw-         full            libtiff.so.5.5.0_seg1rw
142568  0x1805068e000   0x18050789000         1004  r-x         full            libtextencoding.so_seg0ro
142569  0x18050988000   0x1805098b000           12  rw-         full            libtextencoding.so_seg1rw
142564  0x18ff0843000   0x18ff085f000          112  r-x         full            libz.so.1.2.11_seg0ro
142565  0x18ff0a5e000   0x18ff0a5f000            4  rw-         full            libz.so.1.2.11_seg1rw
142542  0x192d89fb000   0x192d8a10000           84  r-x         full            libtranslation.so_seg0ro
142543  0x192d8c0f000   0x192d8c11000            8  rw-         full            libtranslation.so_seg1rw
142549  0x198d8ce9000   0x198da567000        25080  r-x         full            libicudata.so.57.1_seg0ro
142550  0x198da766000   0x198da767000            4  rw-         full            libicudata.so.57.1_seg1rw
142535  0x1a8e2d5a000   0x1a8e2d7f000          148  r-x         full            PhotoGrabber_seg0ro
142536  0x1a8e2f7e000   0x1a8e2f81000           12  rw-         full            PhotoGrabber_seg1rw
142559  0x1b0bb402000   0x1b0bb431000          188  r-x         full            libicutu.so.57.1_seg0ro
142560  0x1b0bb631000   0x1b0bb633000            8  rw-         full            libicutu.so.57.1_seg1rw
142561  0x1b0bb633000   0x1b0bb665000          200  rw-         full            libicutu.so.57.1_seg2rw
142531  0x1b36acc2000   0x1b36ace3000          132  r-x         full            runtime_loader_seg0ro
142532  0x1b36aee2000   0x1b36aee4000            8  rw-         full            runtime_loader_seg1rw
142606  0x1dfb6b2f000   0x1dfb6b41000           72  r-x         full            RTFTranslator_seg0ro
142607  0x1dfb6d40000   0x1dfb6d42000            8  rw-         full            RTFTranslator_seg1rw
142651  0x1e28a24a000   0x1e28a414000         1832  r-x         full            libIlmImf-2_2.so.23.0.0_seg0ro
142652  0x1e28a614000   0x1e28a719000         1044  rw-         full            libIlmImf-2_2.so.23.0.0_seg1rw
142653  0x1e28a719000   0x1e28a71a000            4  rw-         full            libIlmImf-2_2.so.23.0.0_seg2rw
142566  0x1e2d2faf000   0x1e2d3078000          804  r-x         full            libzstd.so.1.4.4_seg0ro
142567  0x1e2d3277000   0x1e2d3278000            4  rw-         full            libzstd.so.1.4.4_seg1rw
142608  0x1e681d6a000   0x1e681d86000          112  r-x         full            RAWTranslator_seg0ro
142609  0x1e681f85000   0x1e681f88000           12  rw-         full            RAWTranslator_seg1rw
142557  0x1e6d27e0000   0x1e6d27eb000           44  r-x         full            libiculx.so.57.1_seg0ro
142558  0x1e6d29eb000   0x1e6d29ec000            4  rw-         full            libiculx.so.57.1_seg1rw
142546  0x1f543bc2000   0x1f543d20000         1400  r-x         full            libroot.so_seg0ro
142547  0x1f543f1f000   0x1f543f2e000           60  rw-         full            libroot.so_seg1rw
142548  0x1f543f2e000   0x1f543f72000          272  rw-         full            libroot.so_seg2rw
142544  0x1f7068c3000   0x1f7068d9000           88  r-x         full            libgcc_s.so.1_seg0ro
142545  0x1f706ad8000   0x1f706ad9000            4  rw-         full            libgcc_s.so.1_seg1rw
142643  0x221e8617000   0x221e862c000           84  r-x         full            libIex-2_2.so.23.0.0_seg0ro
142644  0x221e882b000   0x221e882e000           12  rw-         full            libIex-2_2.so.23.0.0_seg1rw
142631  0x23280fed000   0x2328105f000          456  r-x         full            libopenjp2.so.2.3.1_seg0ro
142632  0x2328125e000   0x23281260000            8  rw-         full            libopenjp2.so.2.3.1_seg1rw
142529  0x7f974df39000  0x7f974ef3a000       16388  rw-s        full            PhotoGrabber_5287_stack
142527  0x7f9d93390000  0x7f9d93394000          16  rw-         full            user area
142663  0x7fb2d21a1000  0x7fb2d21e6000         276  rw-s        full            cameralooper_5292_stack
142661  0x7fce9652b000  0x7fce96570000         276  rw-s        full            w>PhotoGrabber_5291_stack
142530  0x7ffaa7390000  0x7ffaa7398000          32  r-xS        full            commpage

Protection Flags: r - read, w - write, x - execute, s - stack, o - overcommit, c - cloneable, S - shared, k - kernel

Semaphores: ID Count Last Holder Name

65077       0             0 some BBlockCache lock
65078       0             0 token space
65079       0             0 BLooperList lock
65080       0             0 AppServerLink_sLock
65081       0             0 some BLocker
65082       0             0 some BLocker
65083       0             0 Catalog
65084       0             0 LocaleRosterData
65085       0             0 some BLocker
65086       0             0 Catalog
65087       0             0 BMessageQueue Lock
65088       0             0 AppLooperPort
65100       0             0 screen list
65101       0             0 clipboard
65102       0             0 width buffer
65103       0             0 BMessageQueue Lock
65104       0             0 PhotoGrabber
65110       0             0 translator list
65111       0             0 Catalog
65112       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
65113       0             0 Catalog
65114       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
65115       0             0 Catalog
65116       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
65117       0             0 Catalog
65118       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
65119       0             0 Catalog
65120       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
65121       0             0 Catalog
65122       0             0 Catalog
65123       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
65124       0             0 Catalog
65125       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
65126       0             0 PPM settings lock
65127       0             0 Catalog
65128       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
65129       0             0 Catalog
65130       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
65131       0             0 Catalog
65132       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
65133       0             0 Catalog
65134       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
65135       0             0 Catalog
65136       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
65137       0             0 Catalog
65138       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
65139       0             0 Catalog
65140       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
65141       0             0 Catalog
65142       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
65143       0             0 Catalog
65144       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
65145       0             0 Catalog
65146       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
65147       0             0 Catalog
65148       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
65152       0             0 BMessageQueue Lock
65153       0             0 cameralooper
65183       0             0 tool tip manager
Vidrep commented 4 years ago

Not reproducible.

Vidrep commented 4 years ago

Closing as fixed