[ ] No previous versions of this metadata record exist (eg for earlier versions of the data, if so update that record rather than creating a new one)
Data Identification
Dataset title:
[ ] No version information in the title
[ ] Frontloaded (with the most important information first)
[ ] Include the geographical region the data apply to
[ ] Short – aim for 60 characters including spaces
[ ] Does not include acronyms – put these in the keywords
[ ] Does not include the word “dataset”
[ ] Time series datasets should include “time series” at the end of the title
[ ] Abbreviations have been expanded upon at first mention
[ ] Abstract describes how, when, what, where, why of data collection and is limited to no more than 500 words
[ ] A DOI has been drafted for this record
[ ] DOI has been updated via the form after review and changes to record
[ ] DOI has been manually edited on datacite fabrica
[ ] DOI status has been changed from Draft to Findable
[ ] Ensure that Depth or Height Positive is correctly selected
[ ] ROR and ORCID(s) are included and linked properly where applicable
[ ] For datasets where DFO is a partner, ensure 'parent' ROR is added (https://ror.org/02qa1x782). DFO 'child' organizations (i.e. CHS) and their ROR are optional.
[ ] Include Hakai Institute as Publisher and include data@hakai.org as email
[ ] Make sure email address is provided if the role is 'Metadata Custodian' or 'Point of Contact'
[ ] Add contact affiliation where known including ROR
[ ] If resource is (partially) generated by Hakai researchers, include 'Tula Foundation' (with associated ROR) with 'Funder' role. Be sure to uncheck 'include in citation' for Tula Foundation.
[ ] Resource links go to specific dataset download (not generic platform like waterproperties.ca)
[ ] Readme, changelog, data dictionary, protocols included in data-package (for tabular text based data)
[ ] An archive folder, or other means, for older data versions is included in the data package if the version is not 1.0
[ ] Links work
[ ] All files in the data package can be opened and are not corrupt
[ ] No executable files in the data package. Files should be open formats and standards (.csv, .txt for example)
MusselSeg: Semantic Segmentation Dataset for Rocky Intertidal Mussel Habitat
Best Practices Checklist
In General
Data Identification
Dataset title: