Havret / dotnet-activemq-artemis-client

.NET Client for Apache ActiveMQ Artemis
MIT License
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.NET Client for Apache ActiveMQ Artemis


Unofficial Apache ActiveMQ Artemis .NET Client for .NET Core and .NET Framework.

Apache ActiveMQ Artemis is an open-source project to build a multi-protocol, embeddable, very high performance, clustered, asynchronous messaging system.

This lightweight .NET client library built on top of AmqpNetLite tries to fully leverage Apache ActiveMQ Artemis capabilities.

NuGet Status
ArtemisNetClient NuGet
ArtemisNetClient.Extensions.DependencyInjection NuGet
ArtemisNetClient.Extensions.Hosting NuGet
ArtemisNetClient.Extensions.App.Metrics NuGet
ArtemisNetClient.Extensions.CloudEvents NuGet
ArtemisNetClient.Testing NuGet

Commercial support

For commercial support, contact


The library is tested against ActiveMQ Artemis 2.30.0 (Jul 26th, 2023). Most of the features should work with older versions of the broker, but Topology Management uses API surface that was introduced in ActiveMQ Artemis 2.14.0.


Add ArtemisNetClient NuGet package to your project using dotnet CLI:

dotnet add package ArtemisNetClient

The API interfaces and classes are defined in the ActiveMQ.Artemis.Client namespace:

using ActiveMQ.Artemis.Client;

Before any message can be sent or received, a connection to the broker endpoint has to be opened. Create a connection using ConnectionFactory object.

var connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory();
var endpoint = Endpoint.Create("localhost", 5672, "guest", "guest");
var connection = await connectionFactory.CreateAsync(endpoint);

In order to send a message you will need a message producer:

var producer = await connection.CreateProducerAsync("a1", RoutingType.Anycast);
await producer.SendAsync(new Message("foo"));

To receive a message you have to create a message consumer:

var consumer = await connection.CreateConsumerAsync("a1", RoutingType.Anycast);
var message = await consumer.ReceiveAsync();


Detailed documentation is available on the project website.

Online resources

Running the tests

The tests are grouped in two categories:

You can run the unit tests suite with the following command:

dotnet test --filter "FullyQualifiedName!~IntegrationTests"

Integration tests can be run with Apache ActiveMQ Artemis server hosted on a Docker container.

Spinning up the necessary infrastructure

This assumes docker and docker-compose are properly setup.

  1. Go to /test/artemis directory
  2. Run the following command: docker-compose up -V -d

Having the broker up and running you can execute the integration test suite:

dotnet test --filter "FullyQualifiedName~IntegrationTests"


The following table shows what features are currently supported.

Feature Status Comments
Connection Allows to asynchronously create producers and consumers.
Session Sessions are created transparently for each link (producer or consumer).
Message Consumer ReceiveAsync available. Message consumer can by attached to pre-existing queue or can be instructed to create address and queue dynamically.
Message Producer SendAsync for durable messages and non-blocking fire and forget Send for nondurable messages.
Anonymous Message Producer
Message Payload All primitive types, System.Guid, System.DateTime, byte[] and Amqp.Types.List.
Message Durability
Message Priority
Message Creation Time All messages have CreationTime set, but it can be disabled via producer configuration.
Message Grouping
Message Expiry
Message Acknowledgement Messages can be either accepted or rejected.
Scheduled Messages Message delivery can be scheduled either by ScheduledDeliveryTime or ScheduledDeliveryDelay property.
Filter Expressions
NoLocal filter Allows your consumers to subscribe exclusively to messages sent by producers created by other connections.
Consumer Credit
Auto-recovery 4 built-in recovery policies ConstantBackoff, LinearBackoff, ExponentialBackoff, DecorrelatedJitterBackoff and the option to implement your own recovery policy via IRecoveryPolicy interface.
Address Model Advanced routing strategies use FQQN, thus require queues to be pre-configured using TopologyManager or by editing broker.xml file. It is also possible to create shared, non-durable (volatile) subscriptions and shared durable subscriptions dynamically using IConsumer API.
Topology Management TopologyManager supports: getting all address names, getting all queue names, address creation, queue creation, address declaration, queue declaration, address removal, queue removal.
Logging Uses Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.
Queue Browser
Consumer Priority
Test Kit ArtemisNetClient comes with a dedicated package ArtemisNetClient.Testing that will help you to test the messaging-dependent part of your application with ease in a controlled but realistic environment.
Request-reply Request-reply can be implemented with IRequestReplyClient.


There are several extensions available that make integration of .NET Client for ActiveMQ Artemis with ASP.NET Core based projects seamless.


This project uses MIT licence. Long story short - you are more than welcome to use it anywhere you like, completely free of charge and without oppressive obligations.