Healix / Gw2Launcher

Manages and allows for multiple Guild Wars 2 clients to be launched
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GW2Launcher Blish Hud launch problem #254

Open Krasus1313 opened 1 year ago

Krasus1313 commented 1 year ago

image_2023-02-05_122613786 Hi, when you suggested I could use "-m MumbleLink_%accountid%" to start Blish Hud in client start. I did it in 1 account but actually It doesnt work properly when it is started by GW2 Launcher ( probably I should have selected: loaded a character instead after launching ), It makes mouse movement quite weird and with multiple account launched it sometimes crash one of 2 accounts.

Top of it, I have to exit and restart it again to make it work properly each time. Right now it starts with only 1 account but when I check account's options>gw2>launch options>runs after launching part, there isn't anything to delete to make it stop. I also checked beta and previous release if I can make it stop but 3 of them are blank and don't have blish hud icon like this listed. ( I just created one to show it )


How can I fix this?

Healix commented 1 year ago

Run after launcher can be configured per account (Edit > Launch options) or for all accounts (Settings > Guild Wars 2 > Launch options). If you wanted it to start on all accounts, you add it to the settings, whereas if you only want it on specific accounts, you add it to each individual account.

Note that to use "MumbleLink_%accountid%" you'll also need to enable changing the mumble link name, which can be done per account or for all accounts under the launch options.

You should change Blish to run after loading a character, since it will only be wasting resources up until that point (because GW2 doesn't initialize mumble link until a character is loaded).

If by weird mouse movement you mean it's stuttered/skipping (as if it's low FPS) that will happen if your system is at 100% CPU usage and/or GW2 is loading character select and you've enabled the option to prioritize GW2 while initializing the game.

What is crashing? GW2? Depends what the crash says. One of the DX11 patches last year introduced a bug that can cause GW2 to freeze and/or crash while loading character select, which is more likely to occur if something else takes priority in that moment. You can only try to prevent this by prioritizing GW2 while initializing (Settings > Guild Wars 2) and delaying launches until the game is loaded (Settings > General > Launching).

Krasus1313 commented 1 year ago

Alright from instructions I found how to change it. Now it doesn't launch it.

And I assume this is where I'm gonna enable the mumble link change? image_2023-02-05_190252694

And if "mumblelink" part is correct this is how it supposed to be? If not please let me know I'll change it. image_2023-02-05_185341215

And for mouse movement what I was trying to Say: Normally when you move camera with RMB, It disappears instantly and you can move mouse. But when this problem happens and when I try to move camera around while holding RMB, mouse still stays visible( don't disappears how it should be ) and move horizontally together with my camera movement and depending which side I'm moving.

Also by crash, I mean 1x Blish Hud program tries to activate itself on 2 accounts by switching its visibility in two at same time however it makes it glitchy and eventually causes crash time to time.

Healix commented 1 year ago

That is correct, assuming you only want it on one account (can't tell if Blish Hud was added to the account or settings, but that's the mumble link name under the account). Check "Run on the current Windows user" to prevent permission problems, if you happen to be using different users. Also ensure you haven't set -mumble in the command line arguments under either Edit > Launch options or Settings > Guild Wars 2 > Launch options.

If it's not starting on that account, launch the account, load a character, then right click the account > Selected > Run... > Blish Hud. It'll be displayed in blue if it's running. Clicking Blish Hud will start it, or it'll give you a reason why it can't be started (assuming you're using the latest version of Gw2Launcher; use beta to be sure, it's listed as build 7079 under Settings > Updates).

The mouse button staying visible would be a problem with an overlay. Overlays intercept your input and pass them on to GW2, so when something goes wrong, you'll get behavior like this, or your input may not work at all. I'm guessing that was caused by having multiple overlays on the same window, but it can also be caused by the overlay being too slow (100% CPU usage), or it could just be a bug with it.

Blish switching windows would be due to multiple clients using the same mumble link name. That shouldn't be a problem with the current configuration.