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Web: Listeners sorting should be newest-to-oldest #18

Open liclac opened 11 years ago

liclac commented 11 years ago

Listeners should probably be sorted newest-to-oldest, as on Twitter. It currently sorts oldest-to-newest.

Also, continuous scrolling (like the main timeline) would be appreciated - paging makes it difficult to go through your listeners, for example to clear out spambots.

katanacrimson commented 11 years ago

note, there is no way to keep a spambot from listening to your account.

liclac commented 11 years ago

I can see this becoming a problem particularly with protected accounts, where you can't even revoke the follow requests from people if you get really mad at them… while this does prevent some of the most common forms of Twitter Dramabombs (person X blocking person Y to try to get on person Z's good side, etc…), it also threatens the integrity of a protected account.

Not entirely related to this issue, but still worth noting.

katanacrimson commented 11 years ago

The concept of protected accounts doesn't even exist on heello, though.

liclac commented 11 years ago

…I thought there was a checkbox for that in the settings, but that seems to have been my imagination.