Contents inside a panel get scaled when trying to only resize the panel to fit:
drag out an empty panel, over size it, say 500x500, open it to its own tab to edit contents
add a user image ( say for a console panel or gauge bezel) that is smaller than the “empty panel”,say 300x300 and move the image to the top left corner as usual
now deselect it… now I want to resize the “empty panel” to fit the image
when the values/ size of the empty are changed ( reduced) to say 302x302, the empty panel shrinks, but it also shrinks the image/items contained in the panel at the same time
BUT right after doing that if you hit Ctrl-Z it will pop the image within back to its original size that you set
if you go in reverse and make the “empty panel” larger- then it just increases the size of the “empty panel” and does not affect the image/ controls contained within.
Expected operation ( how I remember it working): when you resize the panel around an image up or down ( while you have the panel opened ) it would only change the panel size and not affect the items contained within.
Helios: 1.6.6110.0005 DCS: Current
Contents inside a panel get scaled when trying to only resize the panel to fit: