Hendi48 / Magicmida

Themida unpacker
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Magicmida is a Themida auto unpacker that works on some 32-bit applications.


Note: The tool focuses on cleanness of the resulting binaries. Things such as VM anti-dump are explicitly not fixed. If your target has a virtualized entrypoint, the resulting dump will be broken and won't run (except for MSVC6, which has special fixup code to restore the OEP).

Important: Never activate any compatibility mode options for Magicmida or for the target you're unpacking. It would very likely screw up the unpacking process due to shimming.

Windows sometimes decides to auto-apply compatibility patches to an executable if it crashed before. This AppCompat information is stored in the registry and is linked to the exact path of your executable. This can be a problem if you're upgrading to a newer Magicmida version that has fixes for your target. You can try moving your target to a different path or look around in the subkeys of HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags.

Old targets from 2007-2009 often don't run on Windows 10 and require an older OS version to unpack. The unpacked binaries should then work on newer Windows versions, given that the application itself doesn't have incompatibilities.


Newer versions of Themida detect hardware breakpoints. In order to deal with this, injecting ScyllaHide is supported. A suitable profile is shipped with Magicmida. You just need to download SycllaHide and put HookLibraryx86.dll and InjectorCLIx86.exe next to Magicmida.exe. Do not overwrite scylla_hide.ini unless you know what you're doing.

Command line usage

If you'd like to automate unpacking, it's possible to invoke Magicmida as a command line application. To do so, pass the parameters /unpack <filename>.