HengLan / LaSOT_Evaluation_Toolkit

[CVPR 2019 & IJCV 2021] LaSOT: A High-quality Benchmark for Large-scale Single Object Tracking
Apache License 2.0
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UPDATE: A new challenging subset is added!

We released a newly collected extension subset of 15 categories with 150 videos (very challenging!!!) for one-shot evaluation of tracking algorithms. Check the description in this paper. More details including the data, complete evaluation toolkit and results of 48 trackers are available at this project.


This toolkit is utilized for evaluating trackers' performance on a large-scale benchmark LaSOT (http://vision.cs.stonybrook.edu/~lasot/).

Notification (Downloading dataset and tracking results)

Please use the following links to download dataset (OneDrive is recommended):

Download LaSOT in the conference version

Download LaSOT-extension in the journal version

In order to download the tracking results, please directly use the following link (including toolkit and complete results):



In the file run_tracker_performance_evaluation.m, you can

In the file utils/plot_draw_save.m


If you use LaSOT and this evaluation toolkit for you researches, please consider citing our paper:


If you have any questions on LaSOT, please feel free to contact Heng Fan at heng.fan@unt.edu.