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Playback of an RTSP stream no longer works via VLC player #272

Closed Blackbox-git closed 2 years ago

Blackbox-git commented 2 years ago


Up to the rpi-firmware (stable-branch) mentioned below, I was able to display the stream of my network camera using the following command. If I update the firmware to a newer one, the VLC player starts, but no picture appears.

The command

DISPLAY=:0 vlc rtsp://Username:Password@IP-Adress/11--quiet --rtsp-tcp --noaudio --fullscreen --no-qt-privacy-ask --no-video-title --network-caching=500 --sout-mux-caching=500


The problem is reproducible on a second Raspberry Pi.

Blackbox-git commented 2 years ago


popcornmix commented 2 years ago

Are you able to test releases on master branch to narrow it down further?

Blackbox-git commented 2 years ago

Okay, ich will do this tomorrow. If i am reday i will give feedback.

Blackbox-git commented 2 years ago

I found the commit on the master branch where the vlc player is starting, but dosen´t show the rtsp stream in the opening window.

PS: My camera is reachable over a public domain with a guest account. If you want to test the behaviour i can send you the data.

Blackbox-git commented 2 years ago


popcornmix commented 2 years ago

Thanks, looks like a duplicate of https://github.com/RPi-Distro/vlc/issues/48

Does your rtsp stream change resolution? We may be interested in accessing the stream if we don't find a simpler way of reproducing issue.

Blackbox-git commented 2 years ago

The connected screen has 10" and a resolution of 1024 x 600. This is stored accordingly in config.txt. Until this update, everything looked perfect.

The stream itself has a resolution of 1920x1080. I think, but the behaviour is also with a Full-HD monitor.

I have opened a separate DNS address for you to test. The IP is updated from a Raspberry.

Here is the command line command for the stream:

DISPLAY=:0 vlc rtsp://guest:testcam@camtest.dnsuser.de:554/11 --quiet --rtsp-tcp --noaudio --fullscreen --no-qt-privacy-ask --no-video-title --network-caching=500 --sout-mux-caching=500

6by9 commented 2 years ago

Thank you.

As I've just noted on https://github.com/RPi-Distro/vlc/issues/48 I've reproduced the issue against the Youtube link they provided there. Testing the fix against your stream also appears to work, so it looks to be good. The patch is now pushed for internal review, and then release.

popcornmix commented 2 years ago

See https://github.com/RPi-Distro/vlc/issues/48 for test firmware.

Blackbox-git commented 2 years ago

First of all thx for your work. I can confirm that this firmware works for me.

However, since I am not a programmer, I have two additional questions.

  1. How does this firmware get to stable now?

  2. And more importantly, what do I need to set up so that I can get new kernel versions installed again in the future via the command "apt full-upgrade" after playing around with rip-update?

pelwell commented 2 years ago
  1. It will get there eventually, when we decide that enough has changed to make it worthwhile or that sufficient time has elapsed since the last update.
  2. You don't need to take any special action - both update mechanism are unaware of the other and will happily overwrite files installed by the other,
popcornmix commented 2 years ago

Fix now in rpi-update firmware

Blackbox-git commented 2 years ago

Thx if updated and tested it. It works for me.