Hi-PACE / hipace

Highly efficient Plasma Accelerator Emulation, quasistatic particle-in-cell code
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Doc: Fix Legal References #1115

Closed ax3l closed 3 months ago

ax3l commented 3 months ago

We forgot to add these entry points on the readme front page that point to further details of licensing and notices. At least this part must be preserved to comply with approved policies.

ax3l commented 3 months ago

Thanks, Alex!

Should the year be 2021 not 2024?

Our IPO guidance is to use the first year as release and not update it. This PR and the existing text is 2021, so that is good. https://github.com/Hi-PACE/hipace/blob/bf71ea979b62e20435977b0a98bef70ac401e771/legal.txt#L1