HiLab-git / DTC

Semi-supervised Medical Image Segmentation through Dual-task Consistency
MIT License
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Dual-task Consistency

Code for this paper: Semi-supervised Medical Image Segmentation through Dual-task Consistency (AAAI2021)

  title={Semi-supervised Medical Image Segmentation through Dual-task Consistency},
  author={Luo, Xiangde and Chen, Jieneng and Song, Tao and Wang, Guotai},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},


Some important required packages include:

Follow official guidance to install Pytorch.


  1. Clone the repo:

    git clone https://github.com/HiLab-git/DTC.git 
    cd DTC
  2. Put the data in data/2018LA_Seg_Training Set.

  3. Train the model

    cd code
    python train_la_dtc.py
  4. Test the model

    python test_LA.py

    Our pre-trained models are saved in the model dir DTC_model (both 8 labeled images and 16 labeled images), and the pretrained SASSNet and UAMT model can be download from SASSNet_model and UA-MT_model. The other comparison method can be found in SSL4MIS

Results on the Left Atrium dataset (SOTA).

Methods DICE (%) Jaccard (%) ASD (voxel) 95HD (voxel) Reference Released Date
UAMT 88.88 80.21 2.26 7.32 MICCAI2019 2019-10
SASSNet 89.54 81.24 2.20 8.24 MICCAI2020 2020-07
DTC 89.42 80.98 2.10 7.32 AAAI2021 2020-09
LG-ER-MT 89.62 81.31 2.06 7.16 MICCAI2020 2020-10
DUWM 89.65 81.35 2.03 7.04 MICCAI2020 2020-10
MC-Net 90.34 82.48 1.77 6.00 Arxiv 2021-03
Methods DICE (%) Jaccard (%) ASD (voxel) 95HD (voxel) Reference Released Date
UAMT 84.25 73.48 3.36 13.84 MICCAI2019 2019-10
SASSNet 87.32 77.72 2.55 9.62 MICCAI2020 2020-07
DTC* 87.51 78.17 2.36 8.23 AAAI2021 2020-09
LG-ER-MT 85.54 75.12 3.77 13.29 MICCAI2020 2020-10
DUWM 85.91 75.75 3.31 12.67 MICCAI2020 2020-10
MC-Net 87.71 78.31 2.18 9.36 Arxiv 2021-03
