Ho-Ro / Hantek6022API

Hantek 6022BE Python API for Windows and Linux.
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build instructions not correct for linux #3

Closed bjbeare closed 5 years ago

bjbeare commented 5 years ago

The instructions have:


You need to compile the custom firmware. Install sdcc for this. Then run make in the directory HantekFirmware/custom:

git submodule update --init sudo apt-get install sdcc cd PyHT6022/HantekFirmware/custom make Install the python modules and the firmware (e.g. into /usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/Python-Hantek...).

sudo python3 setup.py install The provided Makefile simplifies the steps above a little bit

Build the firmware:

make fw_custom Install modules and firmware:


The cd PyHT6022/HantekFirmware/custom directory does not exist. Do you mean custome_BE for the 60222BE?

I was then able to build in custome_BE, but failed with sudo python3 setup.py install I found setup.py in the top level directory (need to add a cd back to the top in the instructions), but the install failed with:

[bjbeare@bjbeare-desktop custom_BE]$ find . -name setup.py [bjbeare@bjbeare-desktop custom_BE]$ cd - /home/bjbeare/HanTek/Hantek6022API [bjbeare@bjbeare-desktop Hantek6022API]$ find . -name setup.py ./setup.py ./PyHT6022/HantekFirmware/fx2lib/examples/fx2/setup.py [bjbeare@bjbeare-desktop Hantek6022API]$ sudo python3 setup.py install Traceback (most recent call last): File "setup.py", line 4, in from setuptools import setup ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'setuptools'

Ho-Ro commented 5 years ago

Instructions updated: 68822dd The custom firmware lives now in custom_BE and (not yet) custom_BL for both HW variants. There is also a debian package available automatically from each commit: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/Ho-Ro/hantek6022api/build/artifacts

Ho-Ro commented 5 years ago

@bjbeare Please check my commit da7dd7b