Holo-Light-GmbH / Hololight-Stream-SDK-Trial

Trial of Hololight Stream Software Development Kit.
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Hololight Stream is a powerful remote rendering solution designed to stream high-quality XR experiences from local servers or cloud-based infrastructure. Stream entire AR or VR applications, visualize high-polygon content, and use its cross platform compatibility to support AR/VR glasses, smartphones, and tablets.

Getting Started


First Installation

  1. Open an existing Unity 3D project or create a new one
  2. Remove previous versions of Hololight Stream (previously ISAR) from the project (skip this if the project does not currently have Hololight Stream installed)
    • Open Package Manager in the Unity editor (Window -> Package Manager)
    • Find the Hololight Stream (or ISAR) package and choose Remove
  3. Import Hololight Stream into the project
    • Open Package Manager in the Unity editor (Window -> Package Manager)
    • Click the + then Add package from tarball... and select the file com.hololight.stream-<version>.tgz, where version is the current version, from the Packages directory contained in this repository
  4. Add the desired toolset following the instructions below

Project Configuration

  1. Navigate to Edit -> Project Settings -> XR Plug-in Management
    • Enable Hololight Stream
  2. Open File -> Build Settings...
    • Ensure the following configuration is selected:
      • Platform: PC, Mac & Linux Standalone + Architecture: x86_64

Hololight Stream Configuration


The connection settings can be edited through the settings windows on both client and server. To find out more, see the Settings Documentation.

Connection Information

Information about the connection can be seen on Hololight Stream Connection Info window. To open, click Hololight -> Stream -> Connection Info.

First Run

Enter play mode in the Unity editor or build a standalone application with the following settings:

Disabling Hololight Stream

Hololight Stream can be disabled while remaining as a package in the project. To do so, follow the below steps:


Hololight Stream supports several clients that can connect to the server. For information on installing and connecting with specific clients, refer to Clients.


A preconfigured example is available within the repository. For information on how to load this example, refer to Example.

Furthermore, the Hololight Stream Examples package contains example scenes, prefabs, scripts and associated resources to demonstrate the features within Unity.

Additional Features

Hololight Stream supports a number of additional features. Below illustrates where to find the appropriate documentation for each feature:



By downloading/using/evaluating Hololight Stream, you agree to the proprietary license terms and conditions. Licensing information can be found in the "Licenses" directory of this repository.

Usage Outside Unity

The following documentation specifically references usage with the Unity Game Engine, however Hololight Stream can be used independently of Unity. For more support regarding usage outside of Unity, please contact us.