HomeSeer / node-red-contrib-homeseer

HomeSeer Nodes for Node-RED
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
5 stars 4 forks source link

Staus device? #7

Closed kimstor1435 closed 4 years ago

kimstor1435 commented 4 years ago

It seems tom me that I am not able to get the status from a Homeseer device unless I control it, would love a status node that sends the changes from Homeseer to Nodered.

spudwebb commented 4 years ago

have you configured the webhook like explained in the README? if you do, all status and value changes are sent automatically to the HS Device nodes in Node-Red

kimstor1435 commented 4 years ago

Yes, but if I hook up a debug node I don`t get any info in the debug node when I change brightness on the switch or in Homeseer

kimstor1435 commented 4 years ago

Also tried to connect a debug to a homeseer motion sensor, no status is reported to the debug when motion. I am able to control HS from Nodered, but I want also to know the changes of HS devices in Nodered

spudwebb commented 4 years ago

does the yellow status text under the node changes when the status of the device changes in Homeseer? if not, then you have a problem with the webhook.

kimstor1435 commented 4 years ago

No, only changes when I do a "deploy" in nodered

kimstor1435 commented 4 years ago

From Homeseer log: Posting to webhook failed: Den eksterne serveren returnerte feilen (401) Uautorisert. URL:

spudwebb commented 4 years ago

somehow HomeSeer is not authorized to post to Node-Red If you have enable any kind of security in Node-Red, like user/password authentication, you need to disable it as the HomeSeer webhook does not currently supports this