Homebrew / brew

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Brew requires linking before installing packages and never works #1519

Closed dannykopping closed 7 years ago

dannykopping commented 7 years ago

Bug reports:

The only step that resolves the issue is removing the affected linked packages and installing the desired package.

For example:

brew install php56           
Updating Homebrew...
==> Installing php56 from homebrew/php
Error: You must `brew link jpeg unixodbc` before homebrew/php/php56 can be installed
dannykopping commented 7 years ago

Cool, yeah that's what I'm thinking too 👍 Thanks! (PS @MikeMcQuaid: dug your interview on The Changelog a couple weeks ago)

MikeMcQuaid commented 7 years ago

a) "You need to install Homebrew into a different location" - is there a guide for this?


b) "keep var on the same volume (recommended so you can keep using bottles/binary packages)" - the whole of /usr/local/var, or just /usr/local/var/homebrew?

I'd strongly recommend all of var but definitely var/homebrew.

(PS: dug your interview on The Changelog a couple weeks ago)


ilovezfs commented 7 years ago

the whole of /usr/local/var, or just /usr/local/var/homebrew

Just /usr/local/var/homebrew, but bear in mind some formulae also install stuff into /usr/local/var, but I wouldn't generally expect that to be a problem as long as the drive is available.

is there a guide for this?


dannykopping commented 7 years ago

You guys are too fast! Appreciate the help. How do I buy you gents a beer over the internet? 🍻

ilovezfs commented 7 years ago

Not quite the same as :beers: but https://github.com/Homebrew/brew#donations :)

dannykopping commented 7 years ago

OK 👍

erikbethke commented 7 years ago

Same problem, and this was the solution thatw orked for me:

brew reinstall --build-bottle gstreamer gst-plugins-{base,good,bad,ugly}