HoraceAndTheSpider / Amiberry-XML-Builder

Python script to scan LHA files for WHDLoad integration in Amiberry
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A few XML changes required please. #121

Open giantclambake opened 3 months ago

giantclambake commented 3 months ago


Pursuant of investigations into... https://github.com/BlitterStudio/amiberry/issues/958

-a fixup was added to amiberry so it correctly parses the <datapath>data</datapath> line in the XML snippets.

-unfortunately, some unknown number of XML snippets, have <datapath /> as part of their XML entry, when it needs to be <datapath>data</datapath> instead to work with amiberry whdload auto-config.

Obviously I have no idea at all exactly how many titles there are/may be affected, but I've tested the following and can confirm they need to have <datapath>data</datapath> in their respective XML entries to start/run correctly;

Drakkhen_v1.3_Files_0769.lha FullMetalPlanete_v1.6_Files_0656.lha QuestForTheTimeBird_v1.2_Image_0564.lha Starush_v1.1_Files_2311.lha


HoraceAndTheSpider commented 3 months ago

Ideally these should be fixed upstream in the WHDLoad slave (Jaguar XJ220 was similar if I recall) and the data/ path should be specified in the WHDload header, via the Mantis Bugtracker.

e.g. :

version 1.6 (28.03.19) done by Hungry Horace:
  - added '[data](https://www.whdload.de/docs/en/opt.html#Data)' path as ws_CurrentDir

example, the header for FullMetalPlanete.Slave doesn't appear to have this set... see the below snippet from the .src file

slv_CurrentDir      dc.b    0
slv_name            dc.b    "Full Metal Planete",0
slv_copy                dc.b    "1990 Hitec Productions",0
slv_info                dc.b    "adapted by Wepl, Mr.Larmer & CFou!",10

I can't recall if I have a manual way to have these set from the XML generator, but I can see Full Metal Planete, QuestForTheTimeBird and Drakkhen have source files in the install LHA, so could be fixed upstream without much problem.