HoroTW / uc-docker

Docker for undetected chromedriver
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An example Dockerfile for undedected-chromedriver

This Dockerfile builds an image with undetected-chromedriver and a VNC server. The entrypoint ensures that the VNC server is running before the script is executed. To execute your script you should mount the mount directory into the containers /opt/wd directory.

Example command to build and run the container:

docker build -t undetected-chromedriver . && docker run -it --rm --volume ./mount:/opt/wd --name undetected-chromedriver -e VNC_PASSWORD=123456 -p 5900:5900 undetected-chromedriver python script.py

The VNC server is now accessible on localhost:5900 with password 123456 You could also use the docker-compose.yml file.

If you don't see the Browser:

The chrome window will be closed if your script ends. Also don't use input() to stop your script from stopping because if you run the script in a non-interactive shell it will not be able to open the input stream which results in an error and termination of the script. You could use while True: sleep(10) to keep the script running.