Hotware / Hibernate-Search-GenericJPA

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Automatic retrieval of data used in IndexUpdater #26

Closed s4ke closed 9 years ago

s4ke commented 9 years ago

This has to be implemented so that users don't have to specify it:

Map<Class<?>, IndexInformation> indexInformations: Index-Root -> IndexInformation. This contains the main entity and for each contained entity a list of (possible) index-fields which their id can be found in. This has to work for every level they can be contained in.

Map<Class<?>, List<Class<?>>> containedInIndexOf: Class in Index -> List of Index-Roots contained in ("root" class is also in the Index of "root")

Map<Class<?>, SingularTermDeletionQuery.Type> indexIdTypesForEntities: Type to be used for deletion in the index

s4ke commented 9 years ago

Take a look into Hibernate-Search-Engines AnnotationsMetadataProvider and make changes so this data is exposed to implementors like us.

s4ke commented 9 years ago

we still have to do Map<Class<?>, SingularTermDeletionQuery.Type> indexIdTypesForEntities.

s4ke commented 9 years ago

Now that this information is part of standalone, maybe we could revive the SearchFactoryFactory?

EDIT: scrap that... there is no IndexUpdater in there :D