HowFast / roadmap

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Only notify if monitor is down for x consecutive pings / for y pings over 30 minutes #8

Closed MickaelBergem closed 4 years ago

MickaelBergem commented 5 years ago

Sometimes, we don't want to be notified of small downtimes (usually less than a minute). HowFast's default monitoring interval being 60s, it often catches these small downtimes, notifying the user / team. While some users may want to get ultra-fast notifications when their server looks down, some others may want to wait for a little longer to make sure the downtime is not temporary, thus avoiding spam.

Some "notification filters" could help satisfy this category of users:

Use case: monitors with a low uptime standard, ...

Initial reporter: @JPCaruana

MickaelBergem commented 5 years ago

@jpcaruana @4ian the feature has just been released, can you try refreshing the application? :)

The feature is still in beta, please let me know if there is any inconsistency.

4ian commented 5 years ago

Nice! I've adjusted the number of failed pings before getting notified, will let you know if there is wrong notifications. Super useful!