Hsins / NTU-Thesis-CI

🤖 An automated NTU Thesis LaTeX continuous integration and continuous deploying service built up with GitHub Actions.
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Hsins/NTU-Thesis repo is not found #1

Open ujkuo opened 3 years ago

ujkuo commented 3 years ago

The job of CI pipeline "Clone From Hsins/NTU-Thesis" cannot build successfully. I think you can remove this job and put fonts, figures and cis files in this repo directly to skip the clone and copy process.

Hsins commented 3 years ago

Why the repository couldn't be found?

The repository cannot be found because I moved the contents from the NTU-Thesis repository to the NTU-Thesis-LaTeX-Template repository.

In general case, when user rename a repository, all existing information, with the exception of project site URLs, is automatically redirected to the new name by GitHub. But I use the original repository to host the documentation so that the redirecting to the renamed repository is break. Just check GitHub Docs - Renaming a repository for more information

I would fix the link soon but you can just modify it if you're in urgent need.

Jobs would not be removed.

It's always a good practice to keep the Separation of Concerns (SoC) design principle. You should know that what users using LaTeX only care about are the contents instead of the styles. That's why we need the templates for conferences, thesis, dissertations, reports, books and so on.

That's why I would not keep the style files (*.sty, *.cls and related materials) in this repository. The jobs would not be removed but I will consider to use the submodule feature alternatively.

ujkuo commented 3 years ago

To Hsins:

Thanks for your reply, which leads me to understand more criteria for documentation, design principle and necessary contents for LaTeX. I am grateful to you for the detailed explanation. Also, I think I should apologize for my rudeness to report an incorrect issue. The reason I read your repository is that I am currently trying to write a better LaTeX template for my courseworks and working papers, and I also try to get familiar to the CI/CD on Gitlab. Your thesis template is so wonderful and very useful to plenty of NTU graduates, and I think lots of students benefit from your project! I have forked your repository to my account and attempt to modify it for my needs. Btw, my friend, 周正傑, told me that you are his internship lead, and I have checked your other repositories, I found you took so many courses similar to my interest, which is around optimization theory, applied probability theory and game theory. I am wondering whether I could friend you on Facebook or other social media such as LinkedIn or etc.?

Sincerely, Yu-Chieh Jerry Kuo

Hsins commented 3 years ago


Well... any issue, comment or suggestion is welcome so that's not an incorrect issue though.

If you're still finding the template for your homework or reports, I would recommend to give ElegantLaTeX a chance. Furthermore, you can discuss anything about LaTeX in TWTUG (Taiwan TeX Users' Group) (the author of TW_Thesis_Template is also one of the members).

Shamelessly speaking, those courses I took in graduate school time were the compulsory subjects I must pass for pursuing my master degree. As time goes by, I almost forgot those knowledges because they're useless for a software engineer in Taiwan.

Just contact me on Telegram because I haven't install any other instant messaging (IM) software on my machine.