Hunter5000 / Twitch-Fox-Legacy

An addon for Mozilla Firefox that sets off an alarm when a followed streamer goes online.
13 stars 5 forks source link

Seems to have problems with FF 55.0.1 #28

Open Rex000 opened 7 years ago

Rex000 commented 7 years ago

After clicking on a channel, the options text doesn't appear. Also, the channel thumbnails don't refresh when clicking on refresh icon.

SimPiko commented 7 years ago

I'm assuming something changed with l10n language handling, as some strings are displayed as variable names ('filterChannels' instead of 'Filter followed channels', 'streamingFor' instead of 'Online for', '8separator726' for bigger numbers instead of '8,726', etc.)

I've tried to copy '' to ''(as my system language is Polish) and it fixed it... temporarily, until Firefox disabled addon because of mismatching signatures.

My guess is that locale names have to be bit more precise, like '' should be '' to work properly (or to fallback properly when there's no support for system language).

Hunter5000 commented 7 years ago

I'm currently in the process of rewriting the add-on to the WebExtensions format, and will hopefully have a version out within a week. Should I attempt to fix this issue in the meantime? If it as simple as renaming a file then I guess it'd be worth the effort.

SimPiko commented 7 years ago

Just double-checked, '' seems to fix issue for me. (at least the language one, the thumbnail refresh is still 'not working') Although I don't know if locales 'de', 'fr', 'ru' also need similar name-fix after FF 55.x.x update.

Also, it's nice to hear the addon's development isn't abandoned :)