HusseinBakri / 3DMeshBulkSimplification

A Python tool to simplify a Mesh (With and Without Textures) to a specific Number of Faces using the MeshlabXML Library
MIT License
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MeshLab did not finish successfully. Review the log file and the input file(s) to see what went wrong. #5

Open HelloMaroon opened 3 years ago

HelloMaroon commented 3 years ago

I'm testing the simplify function on Colab with installation code: pip install meshlabxml

Then I just change the Decimations_List, originalMesh (name of original mesh), SimplifiedMesh & Textures.

Then I got the bug like this:

...........Starting timer for the decimation process............ meshlabserver cmd = meshlabserver -l TEMP3D_measure_topology_log.txt -i "/content/drive/MyDrive/DGCNN/airplane_0627.obj" -s "TEMP3D_measure_topology.mlx" START OF MESHLAB STDOUT & STDERR

Houston, we have a problem. MeshLab did not finish successfully. Review the log file and the input file(s) to see what went wrong. MeshLab command: "meshlabserver -l TEMP3D_measure_topology_log.txt -i "/content/drive/MyDrive/DGCNN/airplane_0627.obj" -s "TEMP3D_measure_topology.mlx"" Where do we go from here? r - retry running MeshLab (probably after you've fixed any problems with the input files) c - continue on with the script (probably after you've manually re-run and generated the desired output file(s) x - exit, keeping the TEMP3D files and log xd - exit, deleting the TEMP3D files and log

Could you please tell me how to solve it?

Ceciliammm commented 1 year ago

I'm testing the simplify function on Colab with installation code: pip install meshlabxml

Then I just change the Decimations_List, originalMesh (name of original mesh), SimplifiedMesh & Textures.

Then I got the bug like this:

...........Starting timer for the decimation process............ meshlabserver cmd = meshlabserver -l TEMP3D_measure_topology_log.txt -i "/content/drive/MyDrive/DGCNN/airplane_0627.obj" -s "TEMP3D_measuretopology.mlx" START OF MESHLAB STDOUT & STDERR_

Houston, we have a problem. MeshLab did not finish successfully. Review the log file and the input file(s) to see what went wrong. MeshLab command: "meshlabserver -l TEMP3D_measure_topology_log.txt -i "/content/drive/MyDrive/DGCNN/airplane_0627.obj" -s "TEMP3D_measure_topology.mlx"" Where do we go from here? r - retry running MeshLab (probably after you've fixed any problems with the input files) c - continue on with the script (probably after you've manually re-run and generated the desired output file(s) x - exit, keeping the TEMP3D files and log xd - exit, deleting the TEMP3D files and log

Could you please tell me how to solve it?

I have the same problem. Have you solved it?