HydrologyFrankfurt / ReWaterGAP

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Glossary #18

Open Leon-Muehlenbruch opened 1 year ago

Leon-Muehlenbruch commented 1 year ago

— In addition to the paper and the list of variables and constants, there are a couple which were not explained, so I compiled them together with their units, actual names (from Müller Schmied where possible) and descriptions to create a glossary that could accompany the paper theory. Just an idea. Some of the variables can probably removed (like „landareafrac_ratio“ as there is already a „land_area_frac“ but for completion purposes decided to include them here). —

Code Name Actual name (Müller Schmied et al. 2021) Name Description Unit
adiabatic_lapse_rate Adiabatic lapse rate Adiabatic lapse rate An adiabatic lapse rate of 0,6°C (6 K) is applied to daily temperature calculations based on (Schulze and Döll, 2004). Km-1
arid_gw_cell -   Humid-arid classification array based on [sources]. -
aridity Land cover classification Aridity Compute groundwater for “Humid” or “Arid” region.  
builtup_area - Buildup area The fraction of the total land area which is considered Urban based on the MODIS data set, section C [source]. In such areas 50% of all precipitation is directly converted into runoff. -
cell_area Cell Area Cell Area Total area per grid cell. km2
cum_precipitation Cumulative precipitation Cumulative precipitation The cumulative precipitation is the sum of all precipitations from day 0 to the current day. mm/d
current_landarea_frac - Current Land-Area-Fraction Land-Area-Fraction of the current time step. -
Daily_leaf_area_index - Daily leaf area index Daily leaf area index -
daily_storage_transfer - Daily storage transfer Daily Storage Transfer describes the water storage from the previous timestep that gets added to the runoff after the current Landarea Fraction reaches 0. mm
daily_storage_transfer - Daily storage transfer Daily Storage Transfer describes the water storage from the previous timestep that gets added to the runoff after the current Landarea Fraction reaches 0. mm
days Days Days Number of days. d
degreeday Degree-day factor Degree-day Factor Snow melt is calculated with a land-cover-specific degree-day factor DF which can be found in Table C2. mmday-1C-1
diffuse_gw_recharge Diffuse groundwater recharge Daily groundwater recharge from diffuse sources Daily groundwater recharge from diffuse sources. km^3/day
drainage_direction Drainage direction Drainage Direction The drainage direction for any given grid cell is based on the drainage direction map DDM30 [source]. -
effective_precipitation Effective precipitation Effective precipitation The effective precipitation is the fraction of the total precipitation P that is available to plants and is computed as a simple empirical function of precipitation. mmd-1
Elevation Elevation Elevation Elevation for each grid cell is taken from the surface elevation map based on GTOPO30 (U.S. Geological Survey, 1996) [1]. m
groundwater_discharge Groundwater discharge Daily groundwater discharge Daily groundwater discharge. km^3/day
groundwater_storage Groundwater storage Daily groundwater storage. Daily groundwater storage. km3
growth_status - Growth status Growth status per grid cell shows whether a specific land cover is not growing (value = 0), growing (value = 0), or fully grown (value = 1). -
humid_arid Land cover classification Humid-arid classification array Humid-arid classification array based on [Müller Schmied et all. 2021, Figure C1]. -
immediate_runoff - Immediate runoff The fraction of effective precipitation that immediately becomes runoff. mmd-1
initial_days Initial days Initial Days The initial days array saves the specific number of days for each land cover type, for which the daily temperature must stay above 8°C to initialize the start of the growing season. d
land_area_frac Land area fraction Land area fraction Land area fraction. %
land_cover Land cover class Land Cover WaterGAP uses a static land cover input map as described in [Müller Schmied et all 2021, Table C1].  
Land_storage_change_sum - Change of Land Storage sum The change of Land Storage is the sum of all vertical water balances. mm
landareafrac_ratio - Landarea fraction ratio The Ratio of the Land-Area-Fraction between the current and the previous time step. -
max_groundwater_recharge - Maximum groundwater recharge Maximum groundwater recharge data taken from [source]. mmd-1
max_storage_coefficient - Maximum storage coefficient Coefficient for computing maximum canopy storage -
max_temp_elev - Maximum temperature at lowest elevation Maximum temperature is recorded from the sub grid cell with the lowest elevation. K
netabs_gw Net abstraction from groundwater Net abstraction from groundwater Net abstraction from groundwater. km3d-1
pet_to_soil - Potential Evapotranspiration to soil The part of the Potential Evapotranspiration PET which goes to the soil. mm
point_source_recharge Point groundwater recharge Point groundwater recharge Sum of all point groundwater recharge from surface water bodies in arid regions. km^3/day
remainingUse - Total unsatisfied water use Daily total unsatisfied water use. km^3/day
snow_melt_temp - Snow melt temperature Snow melt temperatures are everything above the snow freeze Temperature of 0°C. C
snow_water_storage Snow water balance Snow Water Storage Snow_water_storage describes the sum of all snow water storage values for each subgrid in a 0.5° x 0.5° grid cell. mm
snow_water_storage_subgrid - Snow Water Storage per sub grid Each 0.5° x 0.5° grid cell is divided into 100 subgrids based on the U.S. Geological Survey land elevation map (GTOPO30) from 1996 and the snow water storage is calculated for each individually. The snow_water_storage is divided into the 100 subgrids for the current time step. mm
soil_saturation Soil saturation Soil saturation Soil saturation. -
soil_texture Soil texture Soil texture Soil texture class based on [source]. -
surface_runoff Surface runoff Surface runoff Surface runoff from land. mmd-1