precipitation : array
Daily precipitation climate forcing, Units: mm/d.
Units are converted from kg m-2 s-1 to mm/d
The last sentence talks about unit conversion: As a user, my question is what kind of data do I need to import? Does it need to be in [mm/d] or [kg/m^-2*s^-1] and if my data is in the wrong format will the program convert it automatically?
If it happens automatically and both Units work I would change the phrasing to reflect that
The last sentence talks about unit conversion: As a user, my question is what kind of data do I need to import? Does it need to be in [mm/d] or [kg/m^-2*s^-1] and if my data is in the wrong format will the program convert it automatically?
If it happens automatically and both Units work I would change the phrasing to reflect that