I-A-C / script.module.lambdascrapers

Scrapers Module for Exodus based add ons
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Cached torrents scrapers #46

Closed host505 closed 5 years ago

host505 commented 5 years ago



For these to work, a FREE premiumize account is required. But unfortunately this is temporary, because (as I heard) pm will only give free access to it's cache until Dec 1. All needed is to enter your pm PIN in resolveurl's settings. However I found some problems with that:

Choose your poison.

I added the scrapers in a new category [Torrents (cached)] and disabled by default. Ie same behavior as debrid-only scrapers. I also polished the originals (NOT written by me) a bit, to fetch correct quality, file, file size/name.

drinfernoo commented 5 years ago

It could also be used with a PAID Premiumize account, I would think?

host505 commented 5 years ago

Yes, of course. @SerpentDrago I think has one, can you confirm? But after Dec 1 they might change the API - not sure

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

(If you didnt already)You should add a note with your new settings detailing the account part like the fanart.tv section settings.

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

You guys know what i gotta add to my addon to make a shortcut to disable the real debrid? Im getting tired of going thru my settings to get to the resolveurl settings to disable and enable RD lol

Def off topic but sorta same lol

Tikipeter commented 5 years ago


You could add a Directory item or Context Menu item with smuSettings as the query. This will open ResolveURL settings.


To disable real-debrid in one-click, you would need to add a function in control.py to change a specific setting from any add-on.

Something like:

def changeSetting(settingId, settingValue, addonId=addonInfo('id')):
    addon(addonId).setSetting(settingId, settingValue)

Then pop this in Scrubs.py:

elif action == 'changeSetting':
    from resources.lib.modules import control
    control.changeSetting(params.get('settingId'), params.get('settingValue'), params.get('addonId', ''))

Then call it like this from a Directory item or Context Menu Item etc by using this query (this is the specific call to disable real-debrid in resolveURL:


Just change settingID, settingValue and addonID to suite (you can leave out addonID if you wish to change a setting in Scrubs).

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

I already use the smusettings in the settings section and in the tools section lol im just wanting to be more lazy while testing scrapers. :)

Ill give your code a try tonight and see how it goes, been trying a few things and they all failed then made me mad lol

Also thanks, forgot to say so