IACR / latex

Latex classes for IACR publications. We will start with the new journal proposal.
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changes package incompatibility #257

Open Honzaik opened 4 days ago

Honzaik commented 4 days ago


I noticed that the changes package (https://ctan.org/pkg/changes?lang=en) seems to not work with the template.

If I use the provided template.tex and add\usepackage[commandnameprefix=ifneeded]{changes} (after \documentclass{iacrcc}) there are no errors, but when I try to use the package commands (for example in the introduction section) the text inside the commands doesn't render (\added{}, \deleted{} etc.)

I also attempted to use the after-hyperref.sty method described in the template documentation but that didn't seem to help.

I understand that supporting every package is impossible but this one may be useful for revisions (I guess as an alternative to latexdiff). Unfortunately, I am not skilled enough in tex so I cannot pinpoint the issue/submit a patch myself.


kmccurley commented 4 days ago

I can confirm that the package does not seem to work, but I am unable to understand why. The changes package loads a bunch of other things including ulem and truncate, but I don't see any conflict in those. I tried it in after-hyperref.sty to load it later and it didn't seem to make any difference. I get different kinds of errors depending on how I load it. If I use


will trigger an error that

! Package changes Error: Command comment is already defined..

This leads me to think that the changes package has a lot of conflicts with other things. My home machine has texlive2023 installed, so it's hard to update that. The docker image is also running texlive2023, but perhaps we should try using texlive2024. overleaf just made texlive2024 available yesterday.

Honzaik commented 4 days ago

I forgot to mention the distro details. I tested it on my machine which has texlive2024 + it also doesnt seem to work on Overleaf's 2022, 2023 and 2024 version.

I noticed that the error which shows up when using after-hyperref.sty is the same that shows up when the parameter commandnameprefix=ifneeded (which tries to resolve conflicts) is omitted. But I dont know if it helps with identifying the issue.