IATA-Cargo / ONE-Record

This repository contains the documentation & specs for the ONE Record standard.
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Introduction of VerificationRequest #218

Open aloccid-iata opened 5 months ago

aloccid-iata commented 5 months ago


Presently, the ONE Record standard enables third parties to suggest modifications to specific properties within logistics objects (See Update a Logistics Object). However, there's a gap in the specification when it comes to identifying anomalies or errors within these objects without proposing entirely new values.

To address this issue, we suggest the introduction of a new subclass named VerificationRequest under the ActionRequest. This enhancement would allow any party noticing anomalies or issues within a Logistics Object to request verification without the necessity of proposing alternative values.

The VerificationRequest will inherit all attributes of the ActionRequest and introduce a new attribute named hasVerification.

In addition to the VerificationRequest, we introduce a new entity referred to as Verification, which contains details regarding anomalies detected within a particular Logistics Object.

The Verification Object will have three properties:

The hasLogisticsObject and the hasRevision allows the party to target a specific version of a logistics object while the hasError is an array of Error objects. As in all other Action Requests, notifyRequestStatusChange allows to receive notification on status change.

Each issue or anomaly on a specific logistics object will be incapsulated into a Error object which contains two attributes: HasTitle and HasErrorDetail. Should users need to convey a specific message, indicate a particular property, or transmit an error code, they can utilize the ErrorDetail object for this purpose.

Class Diagram

This class diagram includes the newly defined VerificationRequest with Verification and FieldVerification objects.


    direction LR   

    class LogisticsObject{                

    class Organization{        

    class AccessDelegation{
        + hasDescription: xsd:string [0..1]
        + hasPermission[]: Permission [1..*]                
        + isRequestedFor[]: Organization [1..*]
        + notifyRequestStatusChange: xsd:boolean = FALSE
        + hasLogisticsObject[]: LogisticsObject [1..*]        

    AccessDelegation "1" --> "1..*" Permission   
    AccessDelegation "1" --> "1..*" Organization: requestedFor
    AccessDelegation "1" --> "1..*" LogisticsObject

    class ActionRequest {
        + hasError[]: Error [*]
        + isRequestedAt: xsd:dateTime         
        + isRequestedBy: Organization            
        + isRevokedBy: Organization [0..1]
        + hasRequestStatus: RequestStatus = REQUEST_PENDING
        + isRevokedAt: xsd:dateTime [0..1]                 

    ActionRequest <|-- AccessDelegationRequest
    ActionRequest <|-- ChangeRequest
    ActionRequest <|-- SubscriptionRequest
    ActionRequest <|-- VerificationRequest

    ActionRequest "1" --> "0..*" Error     
    ActionRequest "1" --> "1..*" Organization : requestedBy    
    ActionRequest --> RequestStatus                
    ActionRequest "1" --> "1..*" Organization : revokedBy

    class AccessDelegationRequest{
        + hasAccessDelegation: AccessDelegation        
    AccessDelegationRequest "1" --> "1" AccessDelegation    

    class ChangeRequest{        
        + hasChange: Change        
    ChangeRequest "1" --> "1" Change

    class SubscriptionRequest{
        + hasSubscription: Subscription
    SubscriptionRequest "1" --> "1" Subscription

    class VerificationRequest{
        + hasVerification: Verification
    VerificationRequest"1" --> "1" Verification

    class Change{    
        + hasDescription: xsd:string [0..1]    
        + hasOperation[]: Operation [1..*]        
        + hasLogisticsObject: LogisticsObject
        + hasRevision: xsd:positiveInteger        
        + notifyRequestStatusChange: xsd:boolean = FALSE
    Change "1" --> "1" LogisticsObject
    Change "1" --> "1..*" Operation

    class Subscription{        
        + hasContentType[]: xsd:string [*]
        + hasDescription: xsd:string [0..1]
        + expiresAt: xsd:dateTime [0..1]                                
        + hasSubscriber: Organization        
        + hasTopicType: TopicType
        + notifyRequestStatusChange: xsd:boolean = FALSE          
        + sendLogisticsObjectBody: xsd:boolean = FALSE        
        + includeSubscriptionEventType[]: SubscriptionEventType [1..*]
        + hasTopic: xsd:anyURI        
    Subscription "1" --> "1" Organization: hasSubscriber
    Subscription --> TopicType
    Subscription "1" --> "1..*" SubscriptionEventType

    class Verification{      
        + hasLogisticsObject: LogisticsObject
        + hasError[]: Error[1..*]        
        + hasRevision: xsd:positiveInteger        
        + notifyRequestStatusChange: xsd:boolean = FALSE
    Verification "1" --> "1" LogisticsObject
    Verification "1" --> "1..*" Error

    class RequestStatus{

    class SubscriptionEventType{
    style VerificationRequest fill:#9D4141
    style Verification fill:#9D4141

State Diagram for VerificationRequest:


    direction LR   


    REQUEST_PENDING --> REQUEST_ACKNOWLEDGED: acknowledged by holder
    REQUEST_PENDING --> REQUEST_REJECTED: rejected by holder
    REQUEST_PENDING --> REQUEST_REVOKED: revocation requested
    REQUEST_PENDING --> REQUEST_FAILED: revocation requested

    REQUEST_REVOKED --> [*]      

    REQUEST_FAILED --> [*]

    REQUEST_REJECTED --> [*]    


Sequence Diagram

The following diagram illustrates a basic data exchange process between a forwarder and a carrier, including error handling using VerificationRequest. The forwarder creates a shipment logistics object and notifies the carrier. Upon receiving the shipment, the carrier identifies any discrepancies in the goods description and reports these issues back to the forwarder using VerificationRequest. The forwarder then acknowledges the VerificationRequest, rectifies the data, and notifies the carrier of the updates.

    participant Forwarder
    participant Carrier

    Forwarder->>Forwarder: Create shipment LogisticsObject on its ONE Record server
    Forwarder->>Carrier: Notify the shipment creation using notification endpoint
    Carrier->>Carrier: Review the shipment object and identify issues in goods description
    Carrier->>Forwarder: Report incorrect data via VerificationRequest
    Forwarder->>Forwarder: Acknowledge VerificationRequest and rectify the shipment object
    Forwarder->>Carrier: Notify the update of the shipment 

API Implementation


POST {{baseURL}}/logistics-objects/{{logisticsObjectId}}


The following HTTP header parameters MUST be present in the POST request:

Request Header Description Examples
Accept The content type that you want the HTTP response to be formatted in. application/ld+json
Content-Type The content type that is contained with the HTTP body. application/ld+json

The HTTP request body must contain a valid Verification object in the format as specified by the Content-Type in the header.


A successful request MUST return a `HTTP/1.1 201 Created status code and the following HTTP headers parameters MUST be present in the response:

Header Description Example
Location The URI of the newly created VerificationRequest https://1r.example.com/action-requests/6b948f9b-b812-46ed-be39-4501453da99b
Type The type of the newly created resource as a URI https://onerecord.iata.org/ns/api#VerificationRequest

Otherwise, an Error object with ErrorDetail as response body MUST be returned with the following HTTP headers:

Header Description Example
Content-Type The content type that is contained with the HTTP body. application/ld+json
Content-Language Describes the language(s) for which the requested resource is intended. en-US

The following HTTP status codes MUST be supported:

Code Description Response body
201 The change request was correctly created No body required
400 The verification request body is invalid Error
401 Not authenticated Error
403 Not authorized to update the Logistics Object Error
404 Logistics Object not found Error
415 Unsupported Content Type, response when the client sends a POST document format that the server does not support for the resource identified by the Request-URI. Error
422 Unprocessable request, when the server understands the POST document and the syntax of the POST document appears to be valid, but the server is incapable of processing the request. Error

JSON Examples:

VerificationRequest Object

         "@id":"https: //1r.example.com/logistics-objects/1a8ded38-1804-467c-a369-81a411416b7c"
            "api:hasTitle":"Empty goodsDescription. Please use goodsDescription to specify the description of the cargo",
                  "@value":"https: //onerecord.iata.org/ns/cargo#goodsDescription",
         "@type":"http: //www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#positiveInteger",

Verification Object

    "@context": {
        "cargo": "https: //onerecord.iata.org/ns/cargo#",
        "api": "https: //onerecord.iata.org/ns/api#",
        "xsd": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
    "@type": "api:Verification",
    "api:hasLogisticsObject": {
        "@id": "https: //1r.example.com/logistics-objects/1a8ded38-1804-467c-a369-81a411416b7c"
    "api:hasError": [{
            "@type": "api:Error",
            "api:hasTitle": "The gross weight is missing",
            "api:hasErrorDetail": {
                "@type": "api:ErrorDetail",
                "api:hasCode": "AWB07",
                "api:hasMessage": "weight code",
                "api:hasProperty": {
                    "@value": "https: //onerecord.iata.org/ns/cargo#grossWeight",
                    "@type": "xsd:anyURI"
        }, {
            "@type": "api:Error",
            "api:hasTitle": "Empty goodsDescription. Please use goodsDescription to specify the description of the cargo"
            "api:hasErrorDetail": {
                "@type": "api:ErrorDetail",
                "api:hasProperty": {
                    "@value": "https: //onerecord.iata.org/ns/cargo#goodsDescription",
                    "@type": "xsd:anyURI"
    "api:hasRevision": {
        "@type": "http: //www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#positiveInteger",
        "@value": "1"

ChangeRequest update

In order to link a VerificationRequest with a ChangeRequest we would like to add a new optional parameter in the Change objected :

NOTE: This is an optional change that needs to be discussed.

Audit Trail update

All VerificationRequest objects should be saved into the audit trail together with the changeRequest objects. For this reason the hasChangeRequest in the audit trail should be renamed into hasActionRequest and it should contains both Verification and Change requests.

aloccid-iata commented 4 months ago

Text updated on the 26/03 to include more implementation details

aloccid-iata commented 3 months ago

Remove FieldVerification as ErrorDetail already contains all the needed information

aloccid-iata commented 1 month ago

Error handling basic sequence diagram added