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Add drop down for SDG Goals #680

Open stevieflow opened 1 week ago

stevieflow commented 1 week ago

To help users discover activities that relate to the SDGs, please include a drop down in the filters that lists the SDG Goals:


In the data itself, there's actually three ways in which an activity can be annotated with an SDG Goal:

@xriss @notshi I think it would be useful to include an activity that meets any of these in the results...

stevieflow commented 4 days ago

Update - it would be worth adding an additional dropdown for the SDG Targets: https://codelists.codeforiati.org/UNSDG-Targets/

I don't know if these then would have a "homepage" as per https://github.com/IATI/D-Portal/issues/681 - but it seems the Targets are more, erm, targeted than the Goals, so could give us more specific and relevant data

xriss commented 3 days ago

I notice that there is also an SDG Indicators under sector vocab.


Might as well include this for completion (on the back end) even if you don't want any front end for it.

stevieflow commented 3 days ago

Good spot, thanks @xriss