IBDecodable / IBLinter

A linter tool for Interface Builder
MIT License
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Feature/linux #160

Closed phimage closed 3 years ago

phimage commented 4 years ago

There is still an issue with sha1 in LintCache

phimage commented 4 years ago

I make a version with CryptoKit on recent macOS, fallback to commonCrypto then on linux by importing https://github.com/apple/swift-crypto but again this a mess, not same name, need to specify the name in Package.swift... I do not want to import on macOS, so that's I have no committed yet

#if os(Linux)
import Crypto
import CommonCrypto
private extension Data {
    func sha1_common() -> Data {
        return withUnsafeBytes { [count] ptr in
            var hash = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: Int(CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH))
            if let bytes = ptr.baseAddress?.assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self) {
                CC_SHA1(bytes, CC_LONG(count), &hash)
            return Data(hash)
#if canImport(CryptoKit)
import CryptoKit

private extension Data {
    func sha1() -> Data {
        #if os(Linux)
        return Data(Insecure.SHA1.hash(data: self))
        #if canImport(CryptoKit)
        if #available(OSX 10.15, *) {
            return Data(Insecure.SHA1.hash(data: self))
        } else {
            return sha1_common()
        return sha1_common()
phimage commented 4 years ago

Screenshot 2020-05-10 at 22 07 20

I keep legacy sha1 using commonCrypto on Mac and find a way to add only for linux the swift-crypto package

package swift file is 5.0; if updated to 5.2 some change must done "use .product() for dependencies"

It's ready for review

kateinoigakukun commented 3 years ago

Sorry for late response 🙇