IBDecodable / IBLinter

A linter tool for Interface Builder
MIT License
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There is warning when installed by pods #48

Closed bonyadmitr closed 6 years ago

bonyadmitr commented 6 years ago

There is warning when installed by pods: warning: no rule to process file '/Users/.../XcodeProjects/ScriptsTest/Pods/IBLinter/bin/iblinter' of type compiled.mach-o.executable for architecture x86_64

Also I see that IBLinter hierarchy is not as swiftlint or swiftgen. Maybe that's why there is that warning. image

bonyadmitr commented 6 years ago

podspec files examples

IBLinter https://github.com/IBDecodable/IBLinter/blob/master/IBLinter.podspec s.source = { :git => "https://github.com/IBDecodable/IBLinter.git", :tag => s.version } s.preserve_paths = 'bin/*'

SwiftGen https://github.com/SwiftGen/SwiftGen/blob/master/SwiftGen.podspec s.source = { http: "https://github.com/SwiftGen/SwiftGen/releases/download/#{s.version}/swiftgen-#{s.version}.zip" } s.preserve_paths = '*' s.exclude_files = '**/file.zip'

SwiftLint https://github.com/realm/SwiftLint/blob/master/SwiftLint.podspec s.source = { :http => "#{s.homepage}/releases/download/#{s.version}/portable_swiftlint.zip" } s.preserve_paths = '*' s.exclude_files = '**/file.zip'

IBAnalyzer https://github.com/fastred/IBAnalyzer/blob/master/IBAnalyzer.podspec s.source = { :http => "https://github.com/fastred/IBAnalyzer/releases/download/#{s.version}/ibanalyzer-#{s.version}.zip" } s.preserve_paths = '*'

Dahlgren commented 6 years ago

Already fixed with #28

bonyadmitr commented 6 years ago

@Dahlgren But it is not fixed in current pod version

Podile: pod 'IBLinter' Using IBLinter (0.2.0)


Dahlgren commented 6 years ago

Correct, there hasn’t been a new release yet

bonyadmitr commented 6 years ago

@Dahlgren Oh. When do you plan to do it?

Dahlgren commented 6 years ago

No idea, I'm just a contributor :)

bonyadmitr commented 6 years ago

@Dahlgren Sorry, didn't check it. Thank you!

Ok. I will leave it open until pod update.

phimage commented 6 years ago

@bonyadmitr no release for a little fix. will be one for new rules I think. But you can with Cocoapod have the head master code by adding in Podfile the git and the branch for instance, or a specific commit hash