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Not possible to manage KMS key and Event Streams instance using it in same terraform state #5472

Open ocofaigh opened 4 days ago

ocofaigh commented 4 days ago

Due to the way the Event Streams service handles de-registration of an instance from a KMS root key, it make it impossible to manage the KMS key and the Event Streams instance in the same terraform state.

Here is how the Event Streams service handles de-registration:

Due to this it makes it impossible to manage the key, auth policy and the instance in the same terraform.

In the Terraform Configuration Files section below, I have included a code snippet that can be used to verify this. If you do terraform apply and then terraform destroy on it, the destroy failed with this:

│ Error: [ERROR] Error while deleting: kp.Error: correlation_id='f57445b8-8886-429c-9f44-ba130043b868', msg='Conflict: Key could not be deleted: Please see `reasons` for more details (PREV_KEY_DEL_ERR)', reasons='[PREV_KEY_DEL_ERR: The key cannot be deleted because it's protecting a cloud resource that has a retention policy: Before you delete this key, contact an account owner to remove the retention policy on each resource that is associated with the key - FOR_MORE_INFO_REFER:]'. The key has the following active registrations which may interfere with deletion: [crn:v1:bluemix:public:messagehub:us-south:a/abac0df06b644a9cabc6e44f55b3880e:e62e3d5d-93e1-4a8a-acc7-a5113d093adc::]
│ ---
│ id: terraform-a05cda1f
│ summary: '[ERROR] Error while deleting: kp.Error: correlation_id=''f57445b8-8886-429c-9f44-ba130043b868'',
│   msg=''Conflict: Key could not be deleted: Please see `reasons` for more details
│   (PREV_KEY_DEL_ERR)'', reasons=''[PREV_KEY_DEL_ERR: The key cannot be deleted because
│   it''s protecting a cloud resource that has a retention policy: Before you delete
│   this key, contact an account owner to remove the retention policy on each resource
│   that is associated with the key - FOR_MORE_INFO_REFER:]''.
│   The key has the following active registrations which may interfere with deletion:
│   [crn:v1:bluemix:public:messagehub:us-south:a/abac0df06b644a9cabc6e44f55b3880e:e62e3d5d-93e1-4a8a-acc7-a5113d093adc::]'
│ severity: error
│ resource: ibm_kms_key
│ operation: delete
│ component:
│   name:
│   version: 1.66.0
│ ---

Community Note

Terraform CLI and Terraform IBM Provider Version

tf 1.6.6 ibm provider 1.66.0

Affected Resource(s)

Terraform Configuration Files

Please include all Terraform configurations required to reproduce the bug. Bug reports without a functional reproduction may be closed without investigation.

provider "ibm" {
  ibmcloud_api_key = var.ibmcloud_api_key
  region           = "us-south"

terraform {
  required_version = ">= 1.3.0"
  required_providers {
    ibm = {
      source  = "IBM-Cloud/ibm"
      version = "1.66.0"

# Lookup Default resource group ID
data "ibm_resource_group" "resource_group" {
  name  = "Default"

# Create Key Protect instance
resource "ibm_resource_instance" "key_protect_instance" {
  name              = "my-key-protect"
  resource_group_id =
  service           = "kms"
  plan              = "tiered-pricing"
  location          = "us-south"
  tags              = []
  parameters = {
    allowed_network : "public-and-private"

# create key ring
resource "ibm_kms_key_rings" "key_ring" {
  endpoint_type = "public"
  instance_id   =
  key_ring_id   = "my-key-ring"
  force_delete  = true

# create key
resource "ibm_kms_key" "key" {
  depends_on    = [ibm_iam_authorization_policy.kms_policy]
  instance_id   =
  key_name      = "my-key"
  key_ring_id   = ibm_kms_key_rings.key_ring.key_ring_id
  standard_key  = false
  endpoint_type = "public"
  force_delete  = true

# Create s2s IAM authorization policy to allow messagehub to access KMS for the encryption key
resource "ibm_iam_authorization_policy" "kms_policy" {
  source_service_name         = "messagehub"
  source_resource_group_id    =
  target_service_name         = "kms"
  target_resource_instance_id =
  roles                       = ["Reader"]

# create Event Streams instance and encrypt it with Key Protect key
resource "ibm_resource_instance" "es_instance" {
  depends_on        = [ibm_iam_authorization_policy.kms_policy]
  name              = "my-event-streams"
  service           = "messagehub"
  plan              = "enterprise-3nodes-2tb"
  location          = "us-south"
  resource_group_id =
  tags              = []
  timeouts {
    create = "3h"
    update = "1h"
    delete = "15m"

  parameters = {
    service-endpoints = "public-and-private"
    throughput        = "150"
    storage_size      = "2048"
    kms_key_crn       = ibm_kms_key.key.crn

Debug Output

Panic Output

Expected Behavior

The use case is a standard pattern used by many other services - so I expect it to also work for Event Streams

Actual Behavior

Cannot manage KMS key and Event Streams in same terraform

Steps to Reproduce

  1. terraform apply
  2. terraform destroy

Important Factoids
