IBM / clai

Command Line Artificial Intelligence or CLAI is an open-sourced project from IBM Research aimed to bring the power of AI to the command line interface.
MIT License
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Is the project abandoned? #124

Open masakk1 opened 1 year ago

masakk1 commented 1 year ago

I cannot see any new commits for 3 years, the README doesn't say anything either. This seems promising but gives me errors, instead of writing an issue I thought it'd be more appropriate if I just asked.

If it is abandoned, do you know an alternative? I'd really like to use AI on my CLI.

TathagataChakraborti commented 1 year ago

Hi @masakk1! Apologies for the late reply, I was traveling for ICRA. Probably you are facing outdated dependencies, if you are able to get past that then you should be able to run it.

We haven't abandoned CLAI fully yet but also there is not much active work going on at the moment on the main (we hosted the NLC2CMD Competition from a branch but that has also finished). We are not sure if we will be continuing with this project further but it's unlikely given many of the original use cases are covered by LLMs these days. We will make a decision soon.