VS Code offers a standard function for comparing two text files, so as far as we are concerned two program source files.
This is a basic line-to-line and column-to-column comparison.
We would like to have a comparison function that is smarter for comparing program source files:
limit the comparison to certain columns, for COBOL limit the comparison to columns 7 to 72 and ignore the contents of columns 1 to 6 and 73 to 80
compare in a case-insensitive way: equivalence between lowercase and uppercase letters
ignore differences in line-level formatting (spacing between words on the same line)
ignore comment lines
as far as possible identify the moved lines: similar lines or group of lines but positioned differently in the source code files.
as far as possible, ignore some "well-known" differences
These functionalities are natively available on the z/OS system, either at the level of the ISREDIT editor with COMPARE function, or at the level of the SuperCE (ISRSUPC) which is part of the ISPF/PDF tools.
We lack these features in Z Open Editor.
If we can't do it natively in VS Code / Z Open Editor, develop a Z Open Editor function to call the ISPSUPC utility and display the result in a VS Code view:
selection of "new" file and "old" file for comparison
selection / entry of comparison options
transfer "new" and "old" files to the remote system in a temporary environment
execution of the ISRSUPC utility
retrieve output listing from ISRSUPC
clean the output listing of formatting (page break, page header, etc.)
Description of the enhancement requested
VS Code offers a standard function for comparing two text files, so as far as we are concerned two program source files. This is a basic line-to-line and column-to-column comparison.
We would like to have a comparison function that is smarter for comparing program source files:
These functionalities are natively available on the z/OS system, either at the level of the ISREDIT editor with COMPARE function, or at the level of the SuperCE (ISRSUPC) which is part of the ISPF/PDF tools.
We lack these features in Z Open Editor.
If we can't do it natively in VS Code / Z Open Editor, develop a Z Open Editor function to call the ISPSUPC utility and display the result in a VS Code view:
SuperC reference
How to directly invoke SuperC and search-for
The comparison listing