IBMStreams / administration

Umbrella project for the IBMStreams organization. This project will be used for the management of the individual projects within the IBMStreams organization.
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Rename streamsx.cppws #144

Closed markheger closed 4 years ago

markheger commented 4 years ago

There is no need that the repository name contains the implementation (cpp/C++)


Rename streamsx.cppws to streasmx.websocket

schubon commented 4 years ago

I agree with Mark's remarks.

markheger commented 4 years ago

@nysenthil @joergboe what do you think about renaming the repo and the toolkit?

nysenthil commented 4 years ago

Dear friend Mark-Oliver, “What's in a name? that which we call a rose. By any other name would smell as sweet.”

― William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

I have some naming ideas. But, I will have to check with the two large banks and a utility company who are already using this toolkit in their business critical scenarios to see what they think and how it will impact their work.

joergboe commented 4 years ago

How many customer installations are affected, when we rename? If we rename the toolkit we should rename the namespace as well.

nysenthil commented 4 years ago

Hi Joerg, I already mentioned above that two large banking customers and a large energy utility company. The utility company is in the process of doing their system testing now. This week, they have asked for couple of more changes which I'm in the process of doing. We have to wait until the first week of July/2020 before we can do a wholesale toolkit name change and namespace change.

I have been thinking about a new name. In honor of the popular IBM Mainframe zOS tool, I'm inspired to suggest that name as shown below.

streamsx.cppws to streamsx.wscon to

In the Mainframe world, wscon stands for workstation connectivity. In our context here, it is WebSocket connectivity. It is just a thought. As expressed in my literary quote above, I'm interested in the contents and quality of the toolkit more than the name of the toolkit.

-- Senthil.

joergboe commented 4 years ago

I vote for name: streamsx.wscon and ns:

markheger commented 4 years ago

I vote for name: streamsx.wscon and ns:


natashadsilva commented 4 years ago

Hi, can we include websocket in the name? It is easier for people to know what it's for, and also to find it, for example when searching on the Streams Github project page for a repository. I think for that reason I would prefer Mark's original suggestion of streamsx.websocket.

petenicholls commented 4 years ago

Prefer streamsx.websocket. SImple, clear what the toolkit does, likely search term.

The other contender requires inside knowledge of IBM terms and is harder to associate with websockets.

nysenthil commented 4 years ago

Dear colleagues, All of you are the winners in finding a fantastic new name for this toolkit. I'm currently making changes for a feature request from an important customer which should be completed by the July 4th long weekend. During the week of July/06/2020, we will do the wholesale name change of this repository to streamsx.websocket and the toolkit namespace to I just now sent an alert about this upcoming change to the three important U.S based customers who are implementing their major use cases around this toolkit.

joergboe commented 4 years ago

All done. We can close this issue.