ICSM / ampere

A tool to fit the SED and spectra of dusty objects to constrain, among other things, the dust properties and mineralogy
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Implement a way to generate the ampere filter library from scratch, rather than as a download #64

Open jontymarshall opened 1 year ago

jontymarshall commented 1 year ago

The ampere filter library (70 MB) is getting perilously close in size to the limit for data files on GitHub (100 MB). A way should be found for users to generate the filter library for themselves rather than downloading it with ampere.

pscicluna commented 1 year ago

Perhaps the ideal is not to generate the whole library from scratch (although that is also an option that we could add to installation) but instead to provide an easy helper routine that will generate a specific library for the problem at hand, given a list of filters?

sundarjhu commented 1 year ago

The utils folder has a makeFilterSet.py which generates the library given some information about the filters.

pscicluna commented 1 year ago

@sundarjhu What is the difference between makeFilterSet.py and makeFilterSet_mod.py? Can the two files be merged cleanly to maximise functionality? And how does it relate to pyphot.svo.get_pyphot_filter()?

jontymarshall commented 1 year ago

We should provide a filters.csv file with all the filters ampere.hd5 contains to generate the library for the user automatically.