IEvangelist / azure-cosmos-dotnet-repository

Wraps the .NET SDK for Azure Cosmos DB abstracting away the complexity, exposing a simple CRUD-based repository pattern
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POC: Expand Patch Operations #465

Open Qualizorg opened 3 months ago

Qualizorg commented 3 months ago

Related to #442, #307, #297

Implementation to support replace, set, add, remove, increment patch operations, excluding move.

Both implementations follow expression + path, inspired by #307 .

Expression approach can't work with ArrayIndexExpression (x => x.Address.Tags[0]), can make it work if it brings value, nevertheless same goal can be achieved over string path approach (/address/tags/0)


  1. InMemoryRepository needs rework to handle the other operation types, how critical is it?
  2. Decide if bulk patch operations per partition key are valuable.

Need feedback regarding approach and any major optimizations we can perform. @IEvangelist @mumby0168


Qualizorg commented 3 months ago

Updated DefaultRepository.Update.cs to return etag as value.

Qualizorg commented 3 months ago

Add Operation doesn't work properly with lambda.

            var tenantId = Guid.Parse("fd048274-190c-4e50-90ff-f2bb84974523");
            var companyId = Guid.Parse("c4707548-5033-4c00-9735-9268c326c04a");

            // Create a company with the new properties
            var company = new Company
                TenantId = tenantId,
                CompanyId = companyId,
                Id = companyId.ToString(),
                CompanyName = "Tech Innovations Inc.",
                Industry = "Software Development",
                Location = "Silicon Valley, CA",
                YearFounded = 2005,
                IsPublic = true,
                Revenue = 1200000000m, // 1.2 Billion USD
                Website = "",
                Manager = new CompanyEmployee
                    EmployeeId = 3,
                    FullName = "Johh Walker",
                    Position = "CEO",
                    Salary = 170000m,
                    EmployeeAddress = new Address
                        Street = "456 Oak St",
                        City = "aaaa",
                        State = "IL",
                        ZipCode = "62705"
                Departments = new List<Department>
                new Department
                    DepartmentId = 101,
                    DepartmentName = "Engineering",
                    ManagerName = "Alice Johnson",
                    Employees = new List<CompanyEmployee>
                        new CompanyEmployee
                            EmployeeId = 1,
                            FullName = "John Doe",
                            Position = "Software Engineer",
                            Salary = 80000m,
                            EmployeeAddress = new Address
                                Street = "123 Main St",
                                City = "Springfield",
                                State = "IL",
                                ZipCode = "62704"
                new Department
                    DepartmentId = 102,
                    DepartmentName = "Marketing",
                    ManagerName = "Bob Williams",
                    Employees = new List<CompanyEmployee>
                        new CompanyEmployee
                            EmployeeId = 2,
                            FullName = "Jane Smith",
                            Position = "Marketing Specialist",
                            Salary = 70000m,
                            EmployeeAddress = new Address
                                Street = "456 Oak St",
                                City = "Springfield",
                                State = "IL",
                                ZipCode = "62705"
  await _testRepository.PatchAsync(companyId, tenantId, builder =>
      .Remove(x => x.Industry)
      .Replace(x => x.CompanyName, "CompanyNameTest")
      .Set(x => x.Manager, new CompanyEmployee() { EmployeeId = 4, FullName = "Paul Walker", Position = "CTOO", Salary = 4560000m })
      .Add(x => x.Departments, [new Department() { DepartmentId = 1234, DepartmentName = "Tech Dep", ManagerName = "Terry Springfield" }])

Cosmos exception Cannot deserialize the current JSON array (e.g. [1,2,3]) into type 'QV.OrganisationsComponent.Domain.Department' because the type requires a JSON object (e.g. {"name":"value"}) to deserialize correctly.\r\nTo fix this error either change the JSON to a JSON object (e.g. {"name":"value"}) or change the deserialized type to an array or a type that implements a collection interface (e.g. ICollection, IList) like List<T> that can be deserialized from a JSON array. JsonArrayAttribute can also be added to the type to force it to deserialize from a JSON array.\r\nPath 'departments[2]', line 1, position 703.

This is due the fact that x => x.Departments is a list and TValue from .Add expects it to be a list.

Needs more work.

Edit: Format Markdown