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Two Ensembl IDs for Nrxn2 #698

Open DanLesperance opened 4 weeks ago

DanLesperance commented 4 weeks ago

User submitted a request to Ronna:

I’m running into a weird issue across a few vestibular datasets, where there are two Ensembl IDs for “Nrxn2”. This is an issue for the utricular datasets I was hoping to use (ideally your Hertzano/Ament P2 data, but also an issue for the Kelley lab utricle datasets). It doesn’t seem like I can search for genes by Ensembl ID directly. One of these Ensembl IDs has been retired.

Sent email to user to obtain more information, namely a specific dataset and was there a gEAR analysis-tool that highlighted this issue.

DanLesperance commented 3 weeks ago

Affected datasets include: “P1, P12, P100, mouse, scRNA-seq, utricular hair cells (Kelley)” “P1, mouse, scRNA-seq, utricle, hair cells, supporting cells, and transitional epithelial cells (Kelley)” “P2, mouse, scRNA-seq, utricle (Hertzano/Ament)” “P7, mouse, scRNA-seq, utricle (Hertzano/Ament)” And others.

As far as I can tell, the two Ensembl IDs are: ENSMUSG00000107104 (retired) ENSMUSG00000033768 (still in use)