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Export comments in Snap2SNOMED #163

Open krinil opened 1 year ago

krinil commented 1 year ago


I've been working on mapping SNOMED CT to MedDRA in cooperation with a client. In the finishing process of this work we find that its beneficial to work together in the exported .xlsx file. But, to be able to work efficiently, we also need to see the comments we've made during the mapping process. Is it possible to export the comments we've made in the Snap2SNOMED tool, into the same .xlsx file, or export in some other way?

aHoejen commented 1 year ago

Hi, Unfortunately, there's currently no way of exporting the notes made in s2s. We are aware that this is a desired feature for some, and we a considering whether this is something to include in future versions of the tool. In addition, I want to inform that there's a map between SNOMED CT and MedDRA available, and you may want to look at this. Please follow this link and click the Members tab in the details area (right side of the browser window): https://browser.ihtsdotools.org/?perspective=full&conceptId1=816210007&edition=MAIN&release=&languages=en LEt me know if you have any further questions!