IJHack / QtPass

QtPass is a multi-platform GUI for pass, the standard unix password manager.
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.03k stars 162 forks source link

Storable password character-restriction options per entry #523

Open innir opened 4 years ago

innir commented 4 years ago


I got the following feature request in the Debian bug tracker:

I have, as default, set up password-generation with all possible character possibilities (upper/lower, number, symbol), but one sometimes does not know until one is actually at a website creating a password, that the password cannot contain certain characters - usually a subset of symbols.

It would be nice to have a button near Generate, which when pressed would bring up a window in which one could specify what types of characters were allowed (this would initially duplicate what was set up when configuring QtPass), but would also allow one to enter specific characters that should be included, or should be excluded, for this specific account. Also, this full classification of allowable characters would be stored with the password record, so that if the user needed to change the password again, it would automatically generate the password with the rules set up in this session. (If some time in the future, the company/website changes the rules, the user could just press the button again, and alter the stored rules to fit the new requirements.)

[I, myself, recently had to cancel a password-entry session to change the config to exclude symbols, for a rather picky website; I still have not remembered to go back to Settings, to turn Symbols back on... ]

Reference: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=948852