IJMacD / newsmap-js

NewsMap JS - JS implementation of the defunct newsmap.jp
99 stars 36 forks source link

https://newsmap.ijmacd.com/ not working #49

Closed SRDay closed 11 months ago

SRDay commented 11 months ago

Site responds, but does not render/update correctly... Capture

Problem started earlier this week.

IJMacD commented 11 months ago

Sorry I had to take the backend down for a while due to hosting costs and personal situation.

Hopefully I'll be able to get it back up again soon.

SRDay commented 11 months ago

No apology required! Many of us owe you a debt of gratitude for resurrecting the Newsmap.jp concept.

I'm sorry if I missed it, but have you considered inviting donations from users to help support the site?

IJMacD commented 11 months ago

Thanks for your kindness. I used to have donation links in the README but removed them because I felt awkward soliciting donations. But perhaps I'll reconsider including links in some places.

ChrisMeli1964 commented 11 months ago

Do not feel awkward about reminding people that they should pay for value received. I am suffering withdrawal. Let your users know how they can help get the site up and running again.

Eric-Ness commented 11 months ago

I would like to 2nd reinstating donation link. I've been using some variation of the newsmap since the old http://newsmap.jp days. I've even coded a version myself but, your implementation is perfect and would love to help out.

abcde2024 commented 11 months ago

i would be happy to donate if that could help. and thank you for making this available in the first place !

datasafeinternationalOfficial commented 11 months ago

This is so valuable and I'm lost without it. +1 would dono to keep it alive.

IJMacD commented 11 months ago

I appreciate everyone's support. I have moved the backend to another server for now and tried to make better use of proxies. I hope service stability stays at the same level you have all come to expect.

I have also restored the donation links in the app and in the README.

I will try to keep up active development and if there are any feature requests, please feel free to open GitHub issues for them.

SRDay commented 11 months ago

Once again, working well here. Thanks, Iain! Initial donation sent.

IJMacD commented 11 months ago

Thank you very to all those who have already donated.

It means a lot that others appreciate my work and the donations certainly help to cover ongoing costs.

As always I appreciate any feedback on the project you may have - positive or negative.