Sources of Java version of SURFER (which uses JavaFX 1.3.1)
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[important, packaging] separate folder for the Gallery common material #4

Open jgmbenoit opened 8 years ago

jgmbenoit commented 8 years ago

The Gallery common material in src/de/mfo/jsurfer/gallery must be place in a separate flder, e.g., data/de/mfo/jsurfer/gallery , if not in a separate Git repository dedicated to Gallery material.

porst17 commented 8 years ago

Actually, the galleries are already separated. At least partially. The repository for the TeX files which end up as the PDFs in the gallery is at Each PDF file is combined with some additional meta data to end up in SurferGallery_xx.jar.

Maybe you can be a little bit more specific, what has to be done.

jgmbenoit commented 8 years ago

My understanding is that we are agree to expurge the gallery data from the surfer source. So, I think I must now focus on the packaging of the Galleries. Meanwhile, the material in /src/de/mfo/jsurfer/gallery may be put in a separate folder, e.g., /data/de/mfo/jsurfer/gallery to ease the transition. Within the deb ball, the corresponding material being jared in a different jar which is meant to be distributed in a different Debian package, a Debian package dedicated to the the Gallery material: this material is placed in /usr/share/surfer-alggeo-java/ but not in /usr/share/java which seems dedicated to jared class files: the data being read by java code, but not java code. We may continue in #5 from here.

jgmbenoit commented 8 years ago

see pull request #30 fro surfer-galleries: