IMAGINARY / imaginary-web

Imaginary website (Drupal 7)
GNU General Public License v2.0
3 stars 0 forks source link

adapt automatic link settings #131

Closed woestenfeld closed 8 years ago

woestenfeld commented 8 years ago

We should have as standard setting, that an inserted link opens a) in same window, if going to any page b) in new window, if going to any outside page.

elondaits commented 8 years ago

Opening links in a new windows is discouraged by usability and accessibility guidelines. See for example:


at one point it was even removed from the HTML standard as a possibility (and it was reinstated just because people were still doing it using javascript).

andreasdanielmatt commented 8 years ago

Thanks Eric for the info, if this is the standard, then we leave it this way!