Hi, awesome reports! I wish to use your package, however it seems that tiny_tex is failing. I was hoping you might be able to help me? I get the following error when I try to knit:
Please try from a different mirror and/or wait a few minutes
and try again; usually this is because of transient updates.
If problems persist, feel free to report to texlive@tug.org.
! LaTeX Error: File `titlesec.sty' not found.
! Emergency stop.
<read *>
Error: LaTeX failed to compile Wind_Example_Report.tex. See https://yihui.org/tinytex/r/#debugging for debugging tips. See Wind_Example_Report.log for more info.
In addition: Warning message:
In .alignStringToVector(value) : Nonstandard alignments in align string
Execution halted`
Hi, awesome reports! I wish to use your package, however it seems that tiny_tex is failing. I was hoping you might be able to help me? I get the following error when I try to knit:
` from https://mirror.ctan.org/systems/texlive/tlnet/tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb: cryptographic signature verification of C:\Users\Nicky\AppData\Local\Temp\mRZJkUgwzS\jGlIYqEVGN against https://mirror.ctan.org/systems/texlive/tlnet/tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb.sha512.asc failed. Output was: gpg: Signature made Mon Mar 14 03:30:47 2022
gpg: using RSA key 4CE1877E19438C70 gpg: BAD signature from "TeX Live Distribution tex-live@tug.org" [ultimate]
Please try from a different mirror and/or wait a few minutes and try again; usually this is because of transient updates. If problems persist, feel free to report to texlive@tug.org.
! LaTeX Error: File `titlesec.sty' not found.
! Emergency stop. <read *>
Error: LaTeX failed to compile Wind_Example_Report.tex. See https://yihui.org/tinytex/r/#debugging for debugging tips. See Wind_Example_Report.log for more info. In addition: Warning message: In .alignStringToVector(value) : Nonstandard alignments in align string Execution halted`