Based on @canholyavkin feedback concerning changes to the Content and Page labels (#6) , we should make the Page label to be set dynamically via the YAML header.
This can be done by changing defs.tex:
% definition of pagename
% changes to line 102:
\rfoot{\pagename~\thepage \hspace{1pt} / \pageref{LastPage}}
Once this changes are made, the name can be set via the YAML header of the Rmd file:
Based on @canholyavkin feedback concerning changes to the Content and Page labels (#6) , we should make the Page label to be set dynamically via the YAML header.
This can be done by changing
:Once this changes are made, the name can be set via the YAML header of the Rmd file:
@SarahWagner Could you please take over? Thx.