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What are the differences between IPSOU, LibP2P, and Multiformats? #2

Open apandacomefromchina opened 5 years ago

apandacomefromchina commented 5 years ago

I know that there are already many projects based on IPFS, like IPSOU, LibP2P, Multiformats. But I want to know what is the difference between them.

IPSOUoffical commented 5 years ago

They are all based on IPFS. IPSOU is a distributed search engine based on IPFS. It allows users to quickly search for files on IPFS and find the data what they need. Mutiformats is a collection of hash encryption algorithms and self-describing methods. It has six mainstream encryption methods, such as SHA1\SHA256 \SHA512\Blake3B, to encrypt and describe the generation of node ID and fingerprint data. LibP2P is the core of IPFS. It can help developers quickly establish an available P2P network layer in the face of various transport layer protocols and complex network equipment.