Dataverse 6.2 on Docker with integrated services called "Archive in a box" and could be used both as demo and production system and easily integrated with other services.
Dear all,
I am very glad that I could successfully install Dataverse using "DataverseEU Docker module". It is smoothly on
localhost:8085/dataverse/root . I am using Ubuntu 18.04
TwoRavens/rApache URL: [http://sharif-VirtualBox:80] [http://localhost:80]
Sorry, this is not a valid URL!
Please enter a valid TwoRavens/rApache URL.
(or ctrl-C to exit the installer)
Dear all, I am very glad that I could successfully install Dataverse using "DataverseEU Docker module". It is smoothly on localhost:8085/dataverse/root . I am using Ubuntu 18.04
Now I am trying to install TwoRavens following the instructions at
When I run the TwoRavens install script by using
Directory where TwoRavens is installed: [/var/www/html/dataexplore]
Apache config directory: [/etc/httpd] [/etc/apache2]
Apache Web Root directory: [/var/www/html]
TwoRavens/rApache URL: [http://sharif-VirtualBox:80] [http://localhost:80] Sorry, this is not a valid URL! Please enter a valid TwoRavens/rApache URL. (or ctrl-C to exit the installer)
Could please help. Thank you very much.
Kind regards, Sharif