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Epic: GREI Community Engagement Execution Committee #221

Open cmbz opened 3 months ago

cmbz commented 3 months ago



cmbz commented 2 months ago

Status: April 2024

In April, we worked on revisions for NIH ODSS Generalist Repository Ecosystem Initiative page. The new page will be updated with GREI more current projects. We also discussed plans for future webinar speakers including asking “repositories to volunteer to provide a speaker that can present a complete data sharing workflow for their repository using a real example of NIH-funded research.”

dliburd commented 2 months ago

Status: May 2024

I've created five variations of graphic for the execution committee website that displays all the member repositories logos. The proposed graphic will be under review for an upcoming meeting. Also, I’ve been helping review and made suggestions on several GREI related blogs and websites.

cmbz commented 1 month ago

Status: June 2024

cmbz commented 1 hour ago

Status: July 2024