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Upgrade instructions from v5.14 to v6.0 #10036

Open sergejzr opened 1 year ago

sergejzr commented 1 year ago

Dear Dataverse Developers,

Today I tried to upgrade our installation and failed, unfortunately. While I am still figuring out the cause, I would like to report that probably some information is missing in the instructions:

1) Update to Solr 8 is mentioned in Section "Runtime", however not in the instructions. 2) In Instructions the undeployment of 5.14 is mentioned, but no instructions for deployment of v6.0 3) There is a statement "You'll want to perform similar commands for rserve_password_alias and doi_password_alias" but it not clear, what exactly "similar" means.

I tried to figure out the missing information myself, but may be it would be better if the instructions get revised, there might be more issues. As I mentioned, my deployment failed with an error:

export PAYARA=/usr/local/payara6
$PAYARA/bin/asadmin deploy dataverse-6.0.war

remote failure: Error occurred during deployment: JNDI lookup failed for the resource: Name: [VDCNet-ejbPU], Lookup: [java:app/jdbc/dataverse], Type: [javax.sql.DataSource] -- Lookup failed for 'java:app/jdbc/dataverse' in SerialContext[myEnv={java.naming.factory.initial=com.sun.enterprise.naming.impl.SerialInitContextFactory,, java.naming.factory.url.pkgs=com.sun.enterprise.naming}. Please see server.log for more details.

With the logs:

[#|2023-10-24T16:31:00.418+0200|SEVERE|Payara 5.2022.3||_ThreadID=92;_ThreadName=admin-thread-pool::admin-listener(1);_TimeMillis=1698157860418;_LevelValue=1000;_MessageID=AS-DEPLOYMENT-00026;|
  JNDI lookup failed for the resource: Name: VDCNet-ejbPU, Lookup: java:app/jdbc/dataverse, Type: javax.sql.DataSource.|#]

[#|2023-10-24T16:31:00.420+0200|SEVERE|Payara 5.2022.3|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=92;_ThreadName=admin-thread-pool::admin-listener(1);_TimeMillis=1698157860420;_LevelValue=1000;|
  JNDI lookup failed for the resource: Name: [VDCNet-ejbPU], Lookup: [java:app/jdbc/dataverse], Type: [javax.sql.DataSource] -- Lookup failed for 'java:app/jdbc/dataverse' in SerialContext[myEnv={java.naming.factory.initial=com.sun.enterprise.naming.impl.SerialInitContextFactory,, java.naming.factory.url.pkgs=com.sun.enterprise.naming}|#]

It might be because I did something wrong. So I would wait until instructions get revised and will try again.

Thank you and best regards Sergej

donsizemore commented 1 year ago

@sergejzr Hello, when we received your issue Jim Myers realized that the 6.0 upgrade notes are truncated unless viewed directly:

Please carry on from step 14, and let us know how things go?

sergejzr commented 1 year ago

Thanks Phil, it worked now. guess this can be closed.

However, I would also add to instructions to edit payara start script after updating to payara6. For example:

#change all payara5 to payara6
sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/payara.service

Otherwise payara5 is comming up after restart. It is a minor issue, but took me some time to figure out that payara6 does not start by itself after updating.

pdurbin commented 1 year ago

@sergejzr I'm glad your upgrade worked!

As of this writing, step 11 already mentions that step: "Update systemd unit file (or other init system) from /usr/local/payara5 to /usr/local/payara6, if applicable."

It's easy to miss. Or maybe we added it later. Or maybe it could be clearer. 😅

donsizemore commented 10 months ago

@sergejzr I'm hitting this VDCNet-ejbPU error on a fresh install of Debian 12 (Postgres 15). I'm just curious what you did beyond editing your Payara systemd unit file to solve your upgrade woes?

nmunatsibw commented 10 months ago

I am also trying to set up a new instance onRocky Linux 9 running payara 6 and am currently getting the same error. Can someone help me am not sure what I am missing, I followed all the steps of the deployment

pdurbin commented 10 months ago

@nmunatsibw this issue is more about an upgrade. You're installing new? Can you please create a fresh issue for that?